1.1 Evayla Flint

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Date: 20th of Solana 1315
Location: Alveare, Capital of Hivia

Evayla Flint: Age 10

Amidst the dappled sunlight that filtered through the trees in the courtyard, Evayla Flint found comfort in her game of hide and seek. Laughter danced on her lips as she darted between the palm trees, her nimble feet tiptoeing on the lush green grass. A cherished game she played with her father, a breath of fresh air from the responsibilities that consumed his days in court. Those days of innocent play ended when The Brethren Court came for her father, claiming him as their own, demanding ten years of service. A debt he owed for their help in securing his marriage with the Queen of Hivia, Evayla's mother.

Unlike the pirates who pillaged and plundered small harbour towns, the Brethren Court embodied a formidable force. A vast fleet, with thousands of ships stretching across the vast expanse of the Valantis Ocean. Ruled over by the Pirate King, they had skillfully forged political alliances and trade agreements with kingdoms far and wide. Establishing themselves as a governing power that didn't follow the rules. Even the mighty Draconian Empire dared not cross their path after the harrowing Massacre of Korwon. Evayla's father had already fulfilled three laborious years of his binding pact, leaving him seven more years of servitude.

Every day, as the sun painted vibrant yellow hues across the horizon, Evayla's heart whispered prayers for her father's safe return. Each moment etched with longing, as she yearned for the warmth of his embrace and the comforting lilt of his voice. She waited with uncertainty for the day when her father would finally return, forever freed from the clutches of the Brethren Court's iron grip.

In the absence of her father, Evayla sought comfort and adventure in the spirited company of her cousin, Prince Ash. They became inseparable, as they played within the lavish halls of the palace and weaved through hidden passages that led to forbidden chambers. Their laughter echoed through the corridors. Their swift feet whisking them away from the clutches of the serving staff when caught stealing food from the bustling kitchens.

No chamber or alcove within the palace remained unexplored by their relentless curiosity. Ascending and descending the stairs with boundless energy, their spirits soared, lifted by the thrill of discovery. Across the sprawling expanse of the tropical courtyard they darted, their agile forms a blur of motion. They splashed through the meandering stream that carved its way through the green canopy. Its refreshing waters soothing their aching feet from hours of running.

From dawn till dusk, their days wove together in a tapestry of endless play. Time seemed to bend to their will, bowing to the laughter that erupted from their souls and echoed through the palace walls. Their imaginations knew no bounds as they embarked on playful adventures. Only when the fiery hues of twilight painted the sky did they finally relent, bidding farewell until the dawn of another sun-kissed day.

During these moments of freedom, Evayla discovered the beauty of childhood's fleeting bliss. She cherished her friendship with Prince Ash. Enjoying what little time they had left, uninhibited by the weight of responsibilities that would someday come to claim them. Reminding them that life's simplest pleasures could be found in the enchantment of an afternoon spent playing hide and seek.

At that moment of time, Evayla hid in the sanctuary of the conservatory nestled atop the south tower. As far as the eye could behold, vibrant emerald hues of a sprawling jungle cloaked the island. Alveare, the capital of the kingdom, lay nestled beneath the palace plateau, its streets brimming with life. Meandering paths, etched into the forest, and sliced through the foliage like an artery that connected towns and villages to the pumping heart of the capital. It extended all the way to the harbour, where bustling crowds mingled with the rhythmic ebb and flow of the sea.

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