1.3 Evayla Flint

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Date: 20th of Solana 1315
Location: Alveare, Capital of Hivia

Evayla Flint: Age 10

"Leave my mother alone," Evayla's voice quivered with fear, as she ran out from behind the curtain.

Canna's eyes widened at the sight of her daughter's brave stand. She managed to break free from the Asarlian man's grip and pulled Evayla into a tight embrace, burying her face in the curls of her red hair. In a hushed tone, she whispered urgently, "Listen carefully, my love. Take the secret tunnel that leads north. It will guide you to the apothecary in the capital. Hide there and wait. I sent word for help when the pirates first arrived. A man will meet you, and he will ensure your safety. He will protect you and guide you to your father."

"But what about you?" Evayla's voice trembled, her eyes filled with concern as Canna gasped for breath, her strength waning.

"I will be fine, my dear. Now, go," Canna urged, her voice laced with a mix of urgency and tenderness. "Use your magic if you must."

"But you told me never to use it," Evayla clung tightly to her mother's silk dress, her fingers trembling with fear that if she let go, she might lose her forever.

"I'm telling you to use it now," Canna replied, offering a sad smile as she gently brushed the red curls away from Evayla's face.

"But I don't know how," Evayla whimpered, her innate magic still a mystery to her. She had inherited it from her father but had yet to learn how to harness its power.

"Yes, you do," Canna placed her hand against Evayla's heart, the touch filled with love and reassurance.

"I'm scared I'll hurt you," Evayla confessed, her eyes reflecting her uncertainty.

She remembered the incident from her early childhood when her uncontrolled magic had caused an explosion. Since then, she had worn a silver bracelet given to her by her father, which helped suppress her powers. Any attempt to remove it had been met with her mother's intense fear and a stern warning never to take it off. Evayla had promised, and her mother's anxiety had softened, with the promise that her father would teach her to control her magic when the time was right.

"What do we have here?" Lady Ginshi, the light spirit, snatched Evayla away from her mother, breaking their tender connection.

Evayla squirmed and struggled against Ginshi's tight grip, her small frame displaying unexpected resilience. Thanks to her father's teachings before he joined the Brethren Court, she possessed a few defensive moves for such desperate situations. Her head knocked back against Ginshi's chin, causing the light spirit to recoil in pain, loosening her hold on Evayla. The young princess followed up with an elbow to Ginshi's stomach, causing her to grunt and bend over, but it wasn't enough to free Evayla completely. Anger flashed in Ginshi's eyes as she retaliated, conjuring a tendril of silver light and ensnaring Evayla's body and neck.

The silver wisps constricted, leaving Evayla gasping for air, her hands futilely clawing at the ethereal binds. Ginshi brought Evayla down to eye level, the silver light hardening around her, eliciting a pained groan. Fascinated, Ginshi traced a strand of Evayla's bright red hair around her finger, her gaze shifting beyond Evayla to her mother, and the other Hivians in the room. They all appeared the same, brunette hair, dark bronze skin and honey brown eyes. The common features of a Hivian. While Evayla appeared more like her father—curly red hair and a lighter bronze complexion—but her honey brown eyes marked her as a true Hivian. Evayla's father wasn't Hivian, she didn't know where he was from originally, and was told by her mother to never reveal her father's name to anyone who wasn't Hivian.

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