1.2 Evayla Flint

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Date: 20th of Solana 1315
Location: Alveare, Capital of Hivia

Evayla Flint: Age 10

A pool of dark red blood marred the grand hall's white tiled floor. In its centre a fallen guard lay motionless, a glimmering silver blade piercing from his back. The same guard, who earlier, had courageously intervened to protect Prince Ash from impulsively attacking the pirates. Prince Ash, once vibrant and full of life, knelt frozen on the ground, his bronzed features drained of colour, his face a sickly shade of green.

"That's the price of playing the hero," sneered a high-ranking pirate, his voice dripping with derision.

Evayla recognized him as a native of the hidden city of Arsala—tall, curly black hair, and rich, dark brown skin. His piercing brown eyes narrowed with calculated focus as he surveyed the room. His imposing presence commanded attention; dressed in dark, form-fitting garments crafted from luxurious, durable leathers and armed to the teeth with sharp blades attached to his body. His stance oozed power and confidence.

Prince Ash's anguished cry reverberated through the air, fueling a surge of rage within him. Without hesitation, he lunged across the room, determined to confront the Asarlian. But the pirate's power and speed proved overwhelming for the young prince, who, despite his noble effects, strength was not on his side. With a single devastating strike, the Asarlian's blow found its mark, impacting Ash's face with brutal force. The prince crumpled upon the floor, defeated and broken.

The scene hung heavy with sorrow and despair. Evayla's heart ached as she watched her cousin suffer, her thoughts consumed by the burning need to free him from their captors' clutches. But fear coursed through her veins, freezing her to her hiding spot.

"Please!" Lady Gardenia, the high priestess of the royal court, threw herself in front of Ash, her weathered features etched with years of wisdom and devotion. Streaks of grey adorned her once-dark hair, and her bronzed skin, marked by the sun's harsh embrace, bore the signs of age. The jangling of her multiple gold bangles filled the air as she raised her arms, a barrier shielding Ash from further harm. "He is but a boy, oblivious to the consequences of his actions," she pleaded, her voice trembling with urgency. Gently, she clasped Ash's arm, aiding him as he rose to his feet. "I will ensure he causes no more trouble."

"See to it that he doesn't," the Asarlian man retorted, his voice laced with a chilling promise. Ripping his dagger from the fallen guard's back, he wiped the blade clean and sheathed the weapon into the leather scabbard strapped to his belt. "Or rest assured, I will personally slit the little Prince's throat."

Lady Gardenia bowed her head low, a mixture of gratefulness and apprehension coloring her actions as she led Ash back to the other captors.

"Are we done with the theatrics?" a woman with flowing jet-black hair remarked, her tone dripping with apathy. She was stood on the vast open terrace that overlooked the plateau and the engulfed city below, she seemed unaffected by the devastation.

Smoke billowed, darkening the sky as flames ravaged the city, their insatiable hunger fueled by the dry, scorching summer. Wooden structures ignited like kindling, while screams of terror and cries for help pierced the air. Chaos reigned supreme as pirates, having made their way from the harbor, unleashed havoc upon the capital, setting fire to its heart and capturing the innocent citizens in the bustling market.

"The agents we dispatched have successfully seized control of the island's ports and towns," the Asarlian man reported, his voice cold and detached.

"And what of the civilians?" The woman's voice carried a smoothness that concealed a fierce undertone.

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