Chapter Five

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Please comment! I literally go giddy when you guys comment, it means alot to me!

Also, as you probably noticed, I've been uploading alot quicker lately.

I'm lazy, and really bored. I also want to get over to the good part already so you guys don't have to wait any longer. Next chapter, just hold on!

Sorry, but this is a bit of a boring chapter. Every story needs one so that you can work up to the good part!

Vote. Comment. Fan.

Thank you so much! <3

>> Picture of Riley on the side. A younger version of the lovely Alex Pettyfer <3 love that guy.


Chapter Five

I gape wordlessly at Riley for a minute, just long enough to see Kyle's smug face next to him. Geez, I'm glad he's finding this funny.

"Um... hi there." I sputter. God, I must look like an idiot. My eyes are practically popping out of my head.

It's a good thing he looks the exact same. His eyes are bugging out, and his mouth has dropped widely. He closes it before professionally responding with: "Well you look... different."

"So do you." I say, nodding appreciatively.

Kyle, standing next to Riley, clears his throat. "Well, you two just become acquainted. I'll be in the kitchen, working on the second bag of balloons."

"Okay," I say, snapping out of my Riley-trance. "Call me if you need some help."

"Will do." He replies, grinning. He turns around and guides himself to the kitchen. Once I hear his walking slow, I turn back to Riley. He's wearing an adorable tuxedo with a blue lily flower. His auburn hair is falling above his eyes - his beautiful blue eyes. That shows he must have a gift, too. Wow!

"So how old are you, exactly?" I ask him. God, did I seriously just say that?

"Fourteen," he answers me. "And you're thirteen."

"Good job, captain obvious." I joke. Suddenly, something strikes me. "You've got blue eyes, so what's your gift?"

"Easy, I'll show you."

And just like that, I hear his husky voice in my mind. See?

I jump backwards, my eyes widening again. "Did you just do that?" I demand. He nods, grinning crazily.

"Its fun," he laughs. His blue eyes sparkle. "Also a way to convince people to do what you want them to do. I would've failed a grade last year if it weren't for that."

I laugh. "Cheat, much?"

"Yes, but it's worth it."

I laugh again, and Riley's grin lengthens. He must be enjoying this as much as me. That's a good thing.

Silence spreads, and it sends me staring down, blushing. Riley and I - we both know it - had an instant connection.

"So when is the party starting?" he asks, snapping into the silence.

I stare up at the clock on the wall behind me. Four minutes to six.

"It should be starting any minute," I say, trying to be enthusiastic.

"Cool. Want me to greet the guests?"

"That's my job," I say, feigning hurt. He laughs.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

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