Chapter Twenty-Two

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Yes, I realize this chapter is short. Don't hate.

Winner of the cover contest is Sableblaze! Thanks for the amazing cover, you rock! :) <3




Chapter Twenty-Two

Kendra's P.O.V

Some people say things happen for a reason.

I don't think all things happen for a reason, but just to piss me off. Seeing this room wasn't fate, it was karma getting back at me for what I've done. It was something that had to happen, because the world was intent on making me angry.

Or that's how it felt sometimes.

Maybe I'm wrong?

It didn't matter. Either way, I was on the edge, and everyone knew it.

"This is... outrageous." I said through my teeth. I was standing so stiff that someone might mistake me for a wooden board if they walked in just now.

Julie shook her head, "Oh please, Kendra, it isn't so bad."

"Isn't so bad? Who are you trying to kid? It isn't you that they have pictures of. It isn't you that they obsessing over eliminating. It's horrible!" I practically shouted.

"Kendra, be quiet." Declan chastised.

I felt my ears grow hot, "Declan, I can't believe you knew about this and you didn't tell me! What kind of a friend are you?"

"I didn't know I was your friend," he smirked.

"Seriously!" I cried. "Where did they get all of this!?"

I crossed my arms in fury, glaring at the sight in front of me.

All over the wall was plastered in pictures of me. Photos, frames, posters - you name it, it was surely here. Strewn across the desk were files with my name on the front in big red letters. "Extreme Case" one read. That must have been the file Declan was given. The whole place resembled a Kendra shrine, apart from the fact that there was way too much paperwork on the desk. It was more like someone was studying me, intently watching my every move. It was beyond creepy.

"So... excuse me for asking, but what exactly does this room have to help us? We already know everything about Kendra. They have nothing more than us." Kyle said.

Declan shook his head, "We aren't here to see what they know, we're here to find out what they know. If that makes any sense,"

"It makes sense," I said. All my anger had evaporated, and now I was merely curious. How much did they have on me exactly? "We have to find out how much they know, and dispose of the big facts. Am I correct?"

"Correct," Declan grinned. "So everyone spread out - search the evidence."

We all nodded simultaneously, running off in different directions to search the small room. There wasn't a lot of space, but there sure was a lot of evidence. I settled with looking on the desk through the folders.

Name: Kendra Rose Miller

Age: 13

Gender: F

Background Information: None.

Family Information: None.

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