Flickering lights and.....Ears?

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A/N : Nothing much to say but...Here! 'Throws story at you and giggles as it splats into you face' Welp...Sorry! He,he...

Let's get the Tree! ( That you burned down...)

Tomoe stormed out of the shrine is disbelief. His day was nothing but trouble since he got up, With Nanami screaming about how she didn't get on the bus in time to That idiot snake harboring in the shrine's living room, he didnt think things could get worse. This was just another way he was getting proved wrong. It was worse enough that Nanami had made Mizuki her other familiar just last week now he had to put up with two child like people, But nothing prepared him for what had happened today... ( Since it was embarrassing and he had rushed out of the shrine as soon as it happened..)


           Tomoe yawned as he sweeped his broom across the floor. To be truthful he was tired. Nanami, Mizuki and him had went to a festival last night and it was late when they got home. Then when they got home Nanami suggested watching a movie. The night resulted with all of them falling asleep in the living room, and that wasn't exactly his futon. Laying on the cold, hard, oak floor was painfull. The kitsune rubbed his back and winced. His ears perked at footsteps coming near him and sighed at the familair scent of his master. Nanami walked in with a cup of coffee and a deranged look on her face. The fox felt his ears flatten and he backed away a bit. He shuttered, This was worse than those days when Mikage went out on dates..' Tomoe tried not to gag and he turned his attention back to the broom in his hand. Maybe he was just weirded out that he had woken up hugging Nanami? ..At least he wasn't kissing a teddy bear when he woke up ( Like Mizuki..) Nope..That couldn't be it. Besides when he woke up he had frozen in place than turned off the still running TV. He then unwound his arms from Nanami waist and got up quickly in embarrassment. it wasn't like he hugged her on purpose, he was asleep after all.. Tomoe yawned for what seemed like the fifth time and ran a clawed hand through his hair. He hadn't found time to brush it today do to waking up late and having many chores to do. Mizuki than walked in and ran smack straight into the door. He didn't seem to notice because his feet kept moving even though he was just staying in place. They all looked worse for wear. The one time he let Nanami take them to a place she called fun and now they were all behind of their shrine duties. He sighed and turned his head and was shocked to see he was staring right into Nanami's eyes. Her hair was magicaly fixed to a key and a smile was plastered on her face. Tomoe knew that smile all to well and he grunted with displeasure. He hadn't had such a harsh headache since the day she first came to the shrine and even then he had gotten himself drunk and slept on the roof... But his head hurt so bad now that getting drunk wouldn't help at all. Tomoe shook his head annoyed and started sweeping again. Nanami frowned and sighed,

"What is this? You can read my mind now?" She furrowed her brow annoyed.

"No, I just know that look and the answer is no. We are already very behind on almost everything."

"You cleaned yesterday"

'So..." He looked at her annoyed. What now? She was going to order him to stop cleaning? How low could she be?

"But...I want to get a christmas tree!! Your burnt the last one and its past the first!"

The fox cringed at her annoyed words even though her voice seemed to sooth him. He could tell her he was being bothered by a headache right now but she wouldn't know what to say. He sighed and looked at her annoyed.

"If you want to go out in the cold fine! Suit yourself..." He turned his back on her.

"WHA? But you have to come with me!" She whined, " What if there's a snow storm?"

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