Can I Taste Your Peppermint?

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A/N: Howgy guys! Its me with another kiss story, Yes another one. This one is a french kiss ( Nothing nasty, I don't do lemons or dirty hand gestures. ) I hope you like this, Its Christmas day for us and I got Kamisama Hajimemashita the manga. I got three volumes!! YAY! I even got the first story were Tomoe had his first blushie moment!! SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas. I might also do New Years Stories on here. So please enjoy all my weird Ideas...Hehe..

T: " You are weird...Not just your ideas.."

A: " Your mean Tomoe...But I still LUV YA!!"

T: 'Hold up hands; Then points at a line' " Don't cross that Author. Do-Not-Cross-It.."

Making Holiday Candy; And Eating It.

               Nanami coughed as flour burst out of her measuring bowl and into her hair. Yes she was baking, And it was great. Kind of...Since yeah know she doesn't bake, And she never had baked before....But how hard could it be to melt Chocolate right? Tomoe did it all the time....And he was a guy. Not that guys couldn't bake. Actually she couldn't see Tomoe doing sports or anything like outside play. He was more reformed and dignified. Speaking of Tomoe. He was sweeping the shrine's halls and mubbling about all the tree sap. He was annoyed and had to clean it by hand. The kitsune had to get down on his knees and scrub it hard.  His fur was in a flurry all morning. Something must of spooked him the night before..But Nanami wasn't sure what.

           She sighed and turned her attention back to the sugar and flour in front of her. She measured again and poured.


The girl screamed and dropped the flour on the ground; Making it look like the snow on the ground outside. It was everywhere and a foggy mist rose up like a cloud from the dust. A fit of coughing followed and when the cloud finished its moment of glory she saw her fox familiar standing in the door way with a wagging tail. His face was distorted with uncertainty and his head was cocked as if to say he had no idea what he was looking at.

"Ah Tomoe!! You scared me...."

"What are you doing?" He crossed his arms as if the world hated him.

"I'm making cookies and Peppermint Bark..."

He huffed out a breath and walked towards her; All the while trying not to slip on the flour on the floor, " I can do that..."

Nanami looked down diappointed, Tomoe always did these types of things. She wanted to cook for once, She wanted him to see what she could do. The girl had dreamed of a all to real kiss last night. It was marvilous and almost made chills go down her spine. She couldn't even look at him right now; If she did her heart would explode and rain down her feelings. She bushed,

"I wanted too..."

"I do not care. Your the goddess, You do the talisman, I do the cooking and cleaning." His lip snarled and he yanked the bowl from her hands. Yep, He was in a bad mood; But why? He was being so rude and his face was cold. What did she do wrong? Was it th tree sap? Or the fact that his eyes showed dark circles. Was he not sleeping? But Why?

"I will bake today!" She demanded; Her eyes narrowing.

"No You not!"

"I will!!!" She stormed out of the kitchen leaving Tomoe alone. Once she was gone Tomoe rudded his temples and yawned. He didn't sleep at all last night. When he had carried Nanami to bed she had kissed him in her sleep. It played with his head and sleep wouldn't come to him at all. He was exhausted and his body was screaming at him. If he stood up any longer he would fall over; But Nanami wanted to bake and was once again going against his wishes. Suddenly a shiver went down Tomoe's spine. He had a feeling and a gods pressence had just entered the shrine. He knew that pressence. It was the goddess of the past...It was his Sobo.

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