Spiked Egg Nog... (Oh-No)

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A/N:  Here you guys go! I know this is late but I got busy..So Here....Tomoe might or might not get a hangover...Hehe...

Egg Nog.....

     Tomoe sighed and looked out at the falling snow. It was beautiful...and Evil. It was water in a different form. He narrowed his eyes and sighed. The kitsune was tired and Nanami was planning on getting more gifts today. Tomoe flicked his tail and yawned. The snow was enticing; And cold. Suddenly there was bang on the door and Tomoe jerked his head towards the sound.

"Tomoe! I'm home!!!"

The kitsune grunted and walked to the kitchen; The source of the noise.

"I see that..." He trailed off as he saw the shopping bags in her hands, "What...?"

She smiled, "I went and got a lot of Christmas goodies. I even got Egg Nog!!"

Tomoe furrowed his brow, " Egg Nog?"

Nanami looked at him surprised, " You don't know what Egg Nog is?"


She smiled, "You should have some! Ill fix it in a minute...Lets put these packages under the tree."

Tomoe nodded and walked with Nanami to the living room.  She put wrapped boxes under the tree. Nanami smiled and shook one.

"Hum...This one has Tomoes name on it.."

The fox paused for only a moment and rolled his eyes, "Dont make a fox curious Nanami. They won't let up until they get what they want...."

Her face flushed and she looked away from his careless words. His eyes narrowed seductivly and Nanami knew she had to stand up.

"Okay!! Lets gets some egg nog!!"

Tomoe blinked in surprise but nodded quickly. That was awkward. They walked into the kitchen and noticed that a cup was already poured. Strange.... she shrugged her shoulders and handed it to Tomoe.

"There..Try it!"

He cocked his head and seemed to smell it. His nose wrinkled up in disgust but he brought the glass to his lips. The yellowish liquid slipped past his perfect lips into his mouth. Nanami watched his eyes widen; Then he gagged.

"What is that stuff?!!? Man...That's nasty!!! What's that taste? It taste like Sake!"

She tilted her head to the side as he drank the rest then placed the cup on the counter with a shudder. Nanami poured herself some and shrugged her shoulders. It wasn't that bad....

She looked at Tomoe; Who had grown really quiet.

"Hey Tomoe?"

Suddenly his face turned into a grin and he backed her against a wall.


His face was flushed and Nanami wondered what really was in that Egg Nog.

"Its Christmas time, Right?" He asked in a husky voice. It was low and to the girl gods surprize his breath even smelled like Sake. A strong Sake at that.


He smirked, "So... I can kiss you.. Even if I'm a familiar? And your a human?" His voice dropped to a whisper and his brought his head down to her eye level.

"Um well...That's a weird way ti put things right?"

He smirked again and started to lean in; his fangs were bared.

"I-Inari!!!" Before she could scream again he laid his lips fully on Nanami's. She gasped Making the fix smirk in pleasure. He ran his tongue over her mouth and she tried to push him away.

"T-Tomoe...Mhh..MMMH!!"  She mumbled under his mouth.

He seemed to calm down and he pulled his mouth away and laud his forehead against hers. Tomoe's eyes were narrowed and his lips were barley parted.


She lifted her eyes to look into Tomoe's. His eyes were innocent and even though he had ( What it seemed to be Rice Wine) In his system, He didn't feel menacing. Tomoe was being gentle. ((Except for force kissing her, but he was drunk..))


Tomoe suddenly tensed and turned around quickly. There stood Inari with an aggervated look on his face.

"What in the name of all my wheat harvest are you doing????"

Tomoe winced as if he was instantly knocked out of his drunken stupor.

His face flushed again and he looked down ashamed.

"Um well...."

"HE DRANK MY EGG STUFF!!" Mizuki screamed as he stomped into the room. "I ADDED SAKE AND EVERYTHING!!! NOW I HAVE TO MAKE MORE!"

Everybody stared at Mizuki surprized. That's when Nanami decided to speak, "Tomoe got drunk because of you?!?! " She clenched her fists as Tomoe let out a snort; Apparently he did not remember kissing her, but how could he? He probably wonldnt remember tomorrow with how strong of a sake he had just consumed. As that's how it ended. Nanami nearly killed Mizuki. Tomoe threw up everything he had eaten that day; Then he suffered a severe headache, And Inari made note to never let Tomoe be around Sake and Nanami at the same time ever again.....

A/N: That took longer than excepted...I hope you guyz like it! And if you see spelling errors its because I'm on my phone typing this! Okay...Thank you. XD

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