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the sick boy's apology

the next few days reminded san of his time before yeosang. even though the android had only been there for around a week, san had already grown accustomed to its weird words and cute little habits; developed an attachment he hadn't yet acknowledged and now more than ever did he miss it.

yeosang did just as it said: it sat by its pod and slept -well went into sleep mode- only ever waking if it sensed an irregular heart rate or loud clang from the kitchen. it never spoke while aiding san, simply did whatever task was asked of it in complete utter silence.

san hated that.

today was all the same. san was sitting alone at his dining table, morosely eating his food as he studied the seat yeosang used to sit it.

normally, yeosang would watch in childish awe as san ate the fancy meals that the boy had made. someo it'd giggle when a bit of food stuck to San's lips, other times it'd simply wipe them away with its soft fingers and call him silly. mornings and evenings would be filled with the savoury smells of whatever food san had cooked and the sweet laughs of the giggly android. now it was empty and cold. void of the life that yeosang carried.

"god i'm such an idiot."

san tried again to be patient, thinking that if he waited it out maybe yeosang would get over it. but that though dissipated when the third week of being ignored came around. at this point, san was almost willing to drop to his knees and beg the android for forgiveness. almost. he still wanted to save the last shred of the little dignity he had left.

here's the difference between san and yeosang. yeosang was an emotionless android with nothing to do but aid san and play around in the internet. san, on the other hand, is an inpatient man-child who suffers from extreme boredom and fears more than anything of being alone. therefore in reality, san was more likely to cave first.

by now the boy had had enough. by god, he missed the android so much. he physically ached just at the thought of it. he resented waking up in the morning knowing that he was going to spend it alone, again. just like before.

he wanted it all to go back to the way it was. so, san devised a plan. it was mediocre but it was all he had. every other time he tried to approach the android it only asked him if he needed medical aid, and when san said no it would simply power off.

the clock read six-thirty -which was around the time san usually cooked dinner- and everything was set. san had placed a small pan next to him on the floor and sprinkled a few spices around so it looked like he had dropped something he'd been cooking.

"ah~, ah?" he tested the pitch of his voice before finally finding the perfect note. with a curt nod of satisfaction, he took a sharp inhale and prepared himself.

"ah!" he cried from his spot on the floor. he quickly clutched his shin and tried his best to look like he was in pain. physically at least.

his plan was set in action. Yeosang heard the cry and immediately shot up from its place by the charging pod. it rushed over to san with a worried expression.

"are you okay?" it asked as it kneeled down next to the groaning boy. "where does it hurt? let me do a quick scan."

san let go of his shin and grabbed yeosang's hand, pulling him closer. "i'm not in pain," he answered plainly.

"then why did you cry out?" yeosang asked as he tried to pull his hand from san's grip. it didn't work and san only tightened his grip.

"i don't know," he paused and smiled, "maybe i'm having a short circuit failure?"

"but you said before you can't have one," yeosang mumbled looking severely puzzled. it gasped and looked up at San with wide eyes. "unless! oh my goodness you do have them! that's why you're so strange and horny choi san."

san's jaw dropped at the mention of being called horny. although it wasn't a lie, it sure felt weird coming from the innocent android.

"your circuit is failing you, maybe that's what's causing you to do and say weird things." yeosang mutter to itself.

"weird things? what weird things?"

"not that i care," yeosang mumbled, "but when i check up on you at night to make sure you're breathing i hear you mumbling stuff." yeosang fiddled with its fingers, eyes falling back to its hands.

"stuff like?"

"my name."

san exhaled deeply and rested his head up against yeosang's chest. they sat like that for a while, san listening to the soft melody if whirs in yeosang's chest and the android humming to san's beating heart. somehow they both complimented each other. the sounds of working metal and pounding muscle. different yet the same.

"yeosang i'm sorry. i-i can't say that i didn't mean what i said, because it was the truth and i know it's wrong and I feel so bad. maybe you aren't exactly what i wanted, but maybe you're what i needed."

the boy waited eagerly for yeosang's response and frowned when he heard it.

"is this your version of an apology?"

san snapped his head upwards, cheeks red and brows furrowed. "i- yes."

"hm, interesting." came a bored sigh.


"don't dude me, now you know how it feels to have your feelings hurt."

san tried to stutter out a response but was cut off by a sharp flick to his forehead. yeosang nudged him off its chest with a short laugh and stood up.

"you don't have feelings though," san muttered as he rubbed the tender spot, pouting as he did.

"no, i may not. however, all that time alone -and thanks to the internet- i learned to mimic them so you'd enjoy talking to me more. so i can't say for sure that what i just did was a normal reaction to a situation like this, but i can say that i enjoyed that very much."

"but do you forgive me?"

yeosang kneeled back down, hand raised to san's forehead again. the boy flinched and squeezed his eyes shut in anticipation for another flick, but instead of skull clashing with metal, something lush and soft tooks its place instead.

he opened his eyes in surprise to find yeosang's lips hovering only inches away from his own. yeosang cupped his cheeks and forced the other to make eye-contact.

"yes, i forgive you. i can't stand sitting alone in that room anymore, it's so boring if i'm being entirely honest."

"o-okay." was all san could stutter out. his eyes were still trained on the other's lips.

"san your heart is beating really fast, are you okay?"


"what? oh my goodness you're burning up!"

sorry, short and ehhh chapter. just been thinking and my lil brain now be'th mush. idk if i wanna know if i should make this plot-based or not ;-; i have two directions in which i could go but je ne sais pas if it's a good idea :/

j'ai besoin d'aide (,Ծ‸Ծ,)

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