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𝘢𝘮 𝘪 𝘺𝘦𝘰𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘳 𝘫𝘶𝘯𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘨

안녕하세요 | okay so i lied 🤧 i recently got data so i can update while i'm out in the wilderness~! i totally forgot data existed, i just hope i don't get in trouble by using too much of it 😳 ◢

Yeosang didn't know when he'd fallen asleep, but when he woke the next morning he wasn't in the scary white lad anymore. It took him a moment to calculate everything that had happened. A part of him hoped it had been a dream, but Yeosang knew it wasn't. He couldn't even have dreams.

The room he was in was large and painted an array of warm toned browns and soft whites. On the right wall was a large floor-to-ceiling window that cast a view of a large city. Skyscraper's and building of crystal glass filled the entire expanse of the view, and the boy couldn't help but think the city itself was made of diamonds.

On the furthest wall, however, was a large painting. A golden frame adorned its sides, delicate flower petals carved into the frame's edges while little diamonds sat in pretty swirls at the top. The painting itself was what caught the boy's attention.

It was a painting of Seonghwa. The elder dressed in a crisp white suit, dark raven hair slicked back while his pretty pink lips curled up into the largest smile Yeosang had ever seen the elder wear. Standing engulfed in Seonghwa's arms with an even wider smile was who Yeosang could only assume was Junyoung. He was wearing a black suit and his black hair had a small beaded braid along the side of his head. The two seemed to be laughing, hugging one another while someone threw white flower petals at them.

A wedding photo.

A pang bloomed in his chest and he whimpered. Guilt flooded his eyes and they paled a light silver.

His gaze travelled lower to their hands; each wore an identical gold band, although Junyoung's seemed to have something written on it.

The boy couldn't see it from his place on the bed. He quickly looked around to make sure there was no sign of the elder before he rose from the bed. He took soft steps up to the painting, gently brushing his fingertips against the rough canvas once he reached the painting.

"Light," he read quietly to himself. That's what was. engraved into Junyoung's wedding band.

He could feel the paint under his skin. It was cold and hard, but yet he could still feel the warmth from the picture itself. Call it cheesy but the boy swore he could feel the connection the two in the photo had.

Yeosang felt his tummy lurch. It was him in that picture. His face, his smile. All staring down at him through crescent shaped eyes.

Nervousness flooded his mind and he shied away from the others gaze.

So judgmental. Was Junyoung mad at him for replacing him?

He looked back up and trembled.

Junyoung's eyes bore into his own, at first menacing and hard, but now soft and gentle.

For a moment he wondered if it was really him in the painting.

He knew it wasn't him, but it still felt as so. He was made to be just like Junyoung. He looked like him, he acted like him. So what really was the difference between the metal body that stood there in the room and the painted one on that canvas?

He pulled his hand back and cradled it to his chest.

"Who am I?" he muttered.

Just then the door creaked open. Yeosang let out a small squeak and quickly scurried back to the bed.

"Oh, Junyoung. You're awake, good morning," Seonghwa greeted with a warm smile.

"I- . . . yeah. Morning." the younger mumbled softly. He wanted so badly for Seonghwa to call him by his actually name. He felt wrong for being addressed by someone else's name. He didn't want to disrespect Junyoung, especially since he seemed to be such a sweet person.

Seonghwa smiled and walked over to the bed, taking a seat next to Yeosang. In his hands was a small black box and the younger couldn't help but he curious as to what was in it.

"I brought this for you," he hummed.

yeosang watched the box with curious eyes. "what is it?" he asked, shifting slightly on the bed to make room for the elder.

Seonghwa handed him the box and motioned for him to open it. Yeosang did with nervous hands. He lifted the lid and and set it aside.

"A USB drive."

Yeosang looked up at him with owlish expression. Why would Seonghwa give him a USB? "What's on it?"

"Pictures. Of Junyo- of us."


"There's one thing that no matter what I do, i can never recreate."

"What's that?"

"Memories. I can give you a conscious but memories I cannot. So I'll give you pictures, they won't be the same as the real deal," he chuckled softly, "but hopefully it'll be enough for you to understand what I once had."

Seonghwa stared down at the drive with somber eyes. Yeosang felt his heart ache, he could feel Seonghwa's pain, could sense the tremendous loss that the elder felt.

A part of him wondered how the elder had held in for so long. Yeosang was already so heart broken knowing that he might not ever see his Sannie again and it had only been two days. He thought he could just die. And yet Seonghwa had gone eight years, almost an entire decade, without his love.

How had he not gone insane? How had he not given up yet? How did he manage?

Seonghwa slowly lifted his gaze to meet Yeosang's. He found himself so lost in Yeosang's eyes. He was so used to looking into large chocolate orbs, not the vibrant oceanic blue that he was staring at now. But he liked it. It was cute.

He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to the younger's temple.

"I have to go to work now, but you can hang out around the condo. There's games and movies you can watch."

Yeosang nodded as the elder rose. Just as Seonghwa was about to leave the room, Yeosang asked him one simple question:

"Do you have a computer?"


unedited uwu

y'all i like seonghwa too much to hate his characterr ╥﹏╥ what if . . . i gave everyone a happy ending?

also~' for the q and a chapter do you want to:

ask the characters a question?

or ask me a question?

or both~?

𝙗𝙚𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙜𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨  ᵃᵗᵉᵉᶻWhere stories live. Discover now