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shits and giggles

after jongho had left, san was hesitant to actually turn the machine on. he just stared blankly at the packaging that littered the floor with a glum expression. if he was being honest with himself, he'd say he hated the thing. it mocked him. it literally showed his pathetic level of desperation.

he scoffed.

"no way in hell am i opening you," he hissed at the unconscious being which was still standing in its package. "okay you're already open, but you know what I mean."

"i don't need you, you can't replace jongho no matter how pretty you are. i'll just wait for him to come back." he said with a pout, arms crossed over his chest and chin raised high. "yeah, i'll just wait for jongho to come back."

the line in itself wasn't much of a statement and more of an order. he wanted to believe that he could wait for jongho, although let's be real. he couldn't. san could barely wait a few hours for jongho to come and visit him after school, let alone five years.

the sudden realization hit him like a crashing wave. san would have to wait at least five years before he would see his baby brother again.

"fuck! fuck! fuck me hard in the ass!"

he threw a deflated pillow across the room and it landed weakly at the foot of his bed. a string of curse words fell from his lips and he thrashed around in bed.

when he had finally finished his tantrum -after fifteen gruelling minutes- he sat up in his spot and ran his hands over his face.

"it's okay sannie, it's okay. you can do this," he reasoned. "you just need to be patient and everything will work out."

san stayed true to his word. he managed to be patient enough to last two days.

the morning the sun had risen on the third day without his brother; san had already gone insane out of pure boredom.

the state the boy was in would shock anyone who saw it, well no not really. san was what you would call, overdramatic. so his current state wouldn't shock most who knew him. he lay lazily sprawled out on the floor, gaze trained in the ceiling above. his eyes glanced over the image that was painted there.

a beautiful lush landscape glowed with vibrant green grass and thick colourful trees. flowers and fairy gardens bordered the edges of a forest, their beautiful yet delicate colours bringing even life to the image. animals of all shapes and sizes nested in the trees and nibbled at the grass.

san could never quite grasp its scene. he was always told by his mother -the artist of the painting- that this was his garden. that it would be his little piece of the outside world to hold. that is would belong to him no matter what, and yet he never quite felt like it did. the garden was like everything else in his life: distant. for something like that to be his, he'd have to actually know what it was, experience it. to understand it and appreciate it. w how could he? how could san appreciate the image when he's never felt wet grass between his toes, or ever felt the warm sun warm up his skin? how could he admire the birds when he's never heard their sweet song?

it was all so distant.

he closed his eyes and let out a long puff of air. w turned his head back to face the gift his brother had given him. if the painting couldn't be his entirely, maybe the android could. maybe that disgustingly beautiful machine could be his little world, something that would only be his. something that could cure his everlasting pain and loneliness.

it would be worth the shot.

after a few more moments of thinking, he pulled himself from the bed and made his way over. he took a once over of the spilled contents on the floor until he finally managed to find a manual. from the number of pages neatly stapled together, he knew this would take a while.

it took about an hour for him to set the whole thing up. it honestly irritated him. he had to add voice recognition, visual identification, language settings and passcode protection. then there was the whole process of adding his ID codes so that the machine could run through his medical history to determine the type of treatment he'd be given. the whole while san stood there glaring at it wondering why he was even doing this in the first place. the whole thing was useless seeing as he'd be the only person to ever go near the machine now that it was in his living quarters. but in the end, it was worth it, because nothing could compare to the expression the boy made when the android first opened its eyes. they had deep electric blue irises that swirled green whenever it's pupil moved; like little dancing ribbons of green amongst an electric blue sea. all hiding behind a shiny gloss tinted piece of glass.

"hello, choi san, i am medical unit 1999-4Dg, here to aid you with any medical needs that you might require of me." its voice was rather deep and melodic; soothing to the boy's ears.

san winced. it made his own voice sound like it was on helium.

"uh, y-yeah hi," he stuttered out. "i don't really need a nurse right now, i kinda just need a friend. you know, someone to talk to." he mumbled the last part nervously, embarrassment tinting the flesh of his cheeks a bright coral pink.

"well that's rather sad isn't it?" the robot responded nonchalantly.

san gasped. "bitch."

"um, choi san, may enquire to you as to why my pants are all dishevelled and pulled down?"

"uh. . . "

"this is so awkward." san sighed as he pulled up his pyjama pants.

"how so?" Came a distant reply.

"you're just standing there watching me get dressed like a creepy pervert." he called over his shoulder.

the android was standing behind him resting in the door frame, watching as the boy slipped into his nightwear. the action -although it seemed like it- wasn't odd, it was actual protocol for all medical androids. most were tasked to take care of the elderly, and typically those patients required aid when dressing. although in this case, san wasn't an old crippled man, nor did he need aid. for this reason, 1999-4Dg wore a sad expression as it watched the boy; it felt useless.

as San pulled on his shirt, one of the sleeves got snagged on his other arm and he struggled to get it free. the android's eyes lit up. for the first time in four hours, it finally had a chance to aid its master. it walked happily over to san and placed a hand on the boy's back before pulling the sleeve out.

the sudden unannounced contact caused san to yelp, he hasn't been touched in years and the alien presence on his back scared him. And god fuck were its hands cold.

"jesus dude, you scared the shit out of me," he whined and he shied away from it's still hovering hand.

"i'm sorry choi san, i didn't know. i'm sorry i scared you and made you shit your pants. here, let me clean it up for you." it said with a huge smile.

the android placed its hand on san's rear end and began to tug the cloth from his legs.

"what?!? No! It's just an expression!" san shrieked. he smacked the hand away and retreated behind the door, protecting his precious ass from the android's wandering hands.

"so you didn't shit your pants?" it asked innocently.

"fuck no! now get away from my ass please."

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