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     We entered the building two by two. Jimin being the person by my side as we filled into the lobby. I giggled as I continuously poked Jimin making him grow agitated at the situation. Jungkook was quiet and him and Tae entered last behind us.

     "Stop it." Jimin whispered loud enough for only me to hear.

     "Stob it." I retorted laughing louder continuing to poke him.

     "I'm serious." He stated firmly as I stuck my tongue out at him running up to Jin.

    "Jin oppa! Jimin is being mean to me." I pouted hugging him.

    "Jimin stop being mean." Jin sighed not wanting to deal with this so early.

     "I. What I wasn't doing anything Hyung." He pleaded this time making Jungkook laugh. Sighing the youngest turned to face Jimin.

     "Trust me when I say you are talking to  a wall she's their princess." Jungkook sighed resting his hand on Jimin's shoulder.

     "Like that really matters right now." He huffed puffing his cheeks.

     " Trust me when I say it always matters." Jungkook sighed.

    "Enough you guys please refrain yourselves with messing with her right now. We have a very busy day ahead of us." Jin sighed as he let me go making me pout.

     "Oppa." I continued to pout.

     "No Princess you are going to record while we start dance practice so be good okay." Jin smiled kissing the top of my head as the boys lead me upstairs to the recording booth.

     "Okay Oppa will we be meeting up for lunch today?" I questioned batting my eyelashes hoping for a yes.

      "(Y/n) First focus on finishing the recording for the last three songs for your album. I will be here to get you but only if you are done. You have six hours to make progress." Namjoon spoke kissing my forehead.

    "Okay Oppa.'I sighed this time as the walked away out of my sight.

     My recording was all but impressive mostly just me messing up. Making funny faces at the staff there to help me. I giggled from my antics as I continued dancing around the recording booth. Singing all the wrong notes having to much fun as I'm sure everyone was tired of my behaviour but who cares it's not like my Oppas can stop me. I spent the next few hours doing the same thing just having fun before taking a deep breath huffing.

     "Oppa."I huffed out just as our manager came in.

    "Ah so what I've been hearing all morning is true." He sighed as his eyes landed on me.

    "Nooo." I whined stomping my foot.

    "(Y/n) that's enough you can't have any fun until this is done." He sighed speaking over the intercom connected to the booth.

    "UnTiL It'S DoNe." I mocked seeing anger evident on his face.

    "That's enough!" He shouted leaving the room taking the staff with him making me pout. 

     I sat there for what felt like hours until I perked up hearing the door open. Only to my dismay I was not greeted with anything remotely happy nor fun. Instead on the other side of the glass stood the one thing that struck prue fear in me. I was doomed. My eyes met with Yoongi unsure of just what was going to happen. He gave me a soft smile as he began to open his mouth to quickly close it again. He sat there for a moment pondering just what to say before he finally spoke up.

    "Now I hear the princess has been being quiet the brat today." He spoke simply taking a seat in the chair as he spoke through the intercom.

    "No." I spoke softly looking down at my feet. I knew this couldn't be to good. He was angry having to leave practice early to deal with my antics.

    "Oh so the staff is all lying?" He questioned a smirk playing at his lips as I squirmed under his gaze.

    "No Oppa." I answered bowing my head waiting for my punishment.

    "Ah so you lied to me? How shameful princess I thought you knew better. Now we are going to start the recording now. So please behave I don't want to be mean." He responded as I gulped shaking my head in compliance.

An: I know it's not great but I'm back so please just give me time to write the next chapter two weeks tops if that pinky promise 

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