Chapter 2: Love at First Fight

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I hope everyone had a great Easter, especially with the changes in the world. As always, Metal is my own OC, I do not own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, or Steven Universe. Thank you all for reading my story and giving it a chance!

3rd POV

Metal and Spinel stare down each other for a few moments, waiting for either one to make a move. Deciding it was now or never, Spinel turned her legs into a spring and tackled Metal, knocking him back a few feet. He quickly recovered and grabbed Spinel, throwing her into the ground and started to pummel her. After he was finished, Metal jumped back and started to charge a Kamehameha. Spinel opened her eyes and noticed this, and enlarged her hands to grab Metal, making him lose his concentration. She jumped up high with Metal still in her hands and threw him as hard as she could towards the ground. Metal hit the ground, and a giant crater formed from the impact.

Taking this moment to her advantage, Spinel enlarged her hand as much as she could, and fired it at Metal, making a direct hit. She descended to the ground and started to walk towards the crater to see if anything was left of him. To her horror, however, Metal started to stand up, with a neutral expression on his face. He only had a few pieces of his armor missing!

"I must admit," he started "you actually took me by surprise, and your power is certainly astonishing, considering your body structure. I knew that you could shape shift your body in many ways, but I didn't expect you to have so much power, and you were even able to pierce my armor. Although, all good things must come to an end I'm afraid." Metal teleported in front of her and kneed her in the gut, knocking the wind out of Spinel. He kicked her away and unleashed a volley of energy blasts. The impact embedded her into a nearby rock, and Metal started to slowly walk up to her, crimson blade formed in his hand.

"I must say this was fun, but like I said earlier, all good things must come to an en-" Metal was suddenly interrupted with a punch to the face. "I'm...not...done...yet!" Spinel exclaimed while panting. She looked to see if she did some damage to him, and was actually surprised to see that she broke off part of his mask! Metal had dark red eyes, a scar in the the shape of an X on his cheek, and what looked like jet black hair. From the looks of it, Metal was extremely angry at her right now.

"HOW DARE YOU BREAK MY MASK!" Metal shouted at her. He formed his blade and stabbed it into his left palm and pulled out a crimson scythe. He questioned "If I remember correctly, you like to use scythes, right?" Spinel shakily nodded her head, and Metal formed an evil grin, before rushing at her with murder in his eyes. Spinel quickly pulled out a rejuvenator from her gem and blocked the attack. They started swinging their scythes at each other, trading blow for blow. Metal eventually was able to disarm her and bring her to a corner.

"Now, this is where it finally ENDS!" Metal exclaimed as he brought his arm up to deliver the final blow, while Spinel tried to shield herself with her arms. After a few moments of waiting, she opened her eyes and saw Metal, frozen in place, looking at her. After a little while longer, he shook his head and got rid of the scythe and walked into the forest, leaving a confused Spinel.

Metal's POV

I don't get it. Why couldn't I kill her? I've killed millions before, heck, I think I killed that Universe kid, but why couldn't I do it to her? I walk up to a river and take my mask off revealing my entire face. I look at my reflection, and notice the tear streaks that have stained my skin. That's why I wear the mask, to cover them and the pain I've dealt with. I reach in my back pocket and pull out my scouter. I'm thankful that I was given the latest model before the incident. "Computer," I ask while I put it on, "look up information for the Gem known as Spinel from the Steven Universe dimension."

I read over her file and wow, no wonder I didn't want to kill her, we're more alike then I thought. Apparently, Pink Diamond abandoned her for about 6,000 years telling her it was some type of game, and that she would be back for her. She waited, and waited, and waited, until the hybrid broadcasted that he was the new Pink Diamond. She apparently got something called an injector filled with a poison that could kill a planet, and that scythe she had was called a rejuvenator, and it had the capability to wipe the memories of other Gems.

"Gods, the stuff I could do with that," I mutter to myself. She was abandoned by the only friend she ever had, she served her purpose. I actually feel bad for her, she's been emotionally broken and can barely trust anyone anymore. Just like me. "This dimension can be spared I guess," I say to myself. As I was just about to open a portal, I hear...squeaking? I turn around and saw nothing. I decided to activate my scouter and survey the area around me. The highest power level it detects is behind a tree, and figure out that it was her.

"I know you're there, you can come out, I won't attack," I say. She slowly starts to come out from behind the tree, slightly shaking. "Please don't shatter me!" she exclaims as I roll my eyes. "Why would I try to kill you as soon as I said I wouldn't attack," I question with a raised eyebrow. I can see her blush slightly, as she shakes her head. I smirk as I say "Now that that's settled, might I ask what you are doing here?"

"Well," she begins "I was just wondering, why didn't you shatter me when you had the chance? And why did you freeze up all of a sudden? And-" I immediately place a finger to her lips, silencing her. "Okay, before you start to go on a question rant, how about we make a deal," I said, hoping she would not object. She slowly nods her head at me as I can feel myself start to form a small smile. "Alright, how about this, I will answer all of your questions to your heart's content, if you agree to stay with me at my home for the night," I ask. "YES!" she practically screams, making me jump a little at her sudden outburst. "Uh, I mean," she stumbles, "I wouldn't mind." I smile at her as I lead her to a clearing I saw earlier.

"Uh, where's your house?" she asks with a confused look on her face. "Watch this," I say while I grab a capsule from my pocket. I throw it a few feet away from us and a house forms in front of us. I look at her and see that she has literal stars in her eyes while her mouth is open. Gods she's adorable. Wait, did I just say that? I shake my head and grab her hand as I lead her into the house. This is going to be a very interesting night to say the least.

AND FINISHED! I would like to thank you all again for taking your time to read my story, and hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day.

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