Chapter 3: The Truth

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32 VIEWERS! Wow, I never even thought people would want to read this. I want to thank you all once again for your support on this story. As always, Metal is my own OC, I do not own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, or Steven Universe.

Metal's POV

I look at Spinel and I see her looking around the house with wide eyes. "Wow, your home is amazing," she states. I'm slightly taken aback, "Seriously? Don't you live in a palace?" I question her. "Well, yeah, but I don't really like being waited on hand and foot, it can get kinda annoying." she answers. Huh, noted. "Anyway," I continue "would you like anything at all before you question me? I know your species isn't really required to eat or drink, but would you like water, juice, tea, or food?" "Um," she says "so you have any fruit punch?" I go to the refrigerator and pull out a juice box for her, while I prepare some tea for myself.

When the tea was done, I put the straw in the juice box and I carry them both to the living room. I give the box to her as she starts to drink while I do the same for me. "Okay, first question," she states "who and what are you?" I sigh to myself as I set down my tea, "My name is Metal and I am a Saiyan. Saiyans are a race of warriors who plunged planets for the fun of it, and was part of the Planet Trade Organization and served under a guy named Frieza. After a while, Frieza feared the Saiyan race because he thought one of them would rise up against him as a Super Saiyan and liberate their race. In order to make sure that didn't happen, he destroyed the entire planet with only a flick of his finger, although he did miss a handful of them," I concluded.

I look back at her and she literally had her jaw on the ground as I chuckled. She raises her jaw back up and looks at me with wide eyes, "Wow," she says. "Oh trust me that isn't even the end of it," I stated "you see, I wasn't created through, let's just say natural means. I was brought to life through seven artifacts called Dragon Balls. Dragon Balls are basically wish orbs that can grant the wishes of anyone who collects them. I was created because an organization called the Time Patrol needed someone to help them because more and more people were changing timelines."

That's when I saw confusion on her face, "Wait a minute, why are you here trying to take over Earth then?" she asks me. I look at my tea, contemplating if I should tell her the truth or not, 'I might as well, it's not like I'm going to see her again,' I think to myself. "To make a long story short, let's just say when the evil person who was causing the timelines to collapse was finally defeated, my services were no longer needed. I was thrown out of my home into a Time Rift because they only needed me to help them stop Mira, Towa, and Debura. I was beaten to the brink of death, but they didn't count on me to have Senzu Beans with me, and the good news was that every time a Saiyan was beaten near death, their power increases drastically. I created new clothing so they wouldn't recognize me, and from then on, I swore revenge." I concluded.

After a few minutes of silence, Spinel wrapped her arms around me, surprising me, and said "Metal, I am so sorry that happened. I can't believe the only family you ever knew did that to you." After decades of being alone and not having anyone to talk to, I slowly raise my arms and I return the hug, slowly starting to cry. I have never cried in my life before, and now, I was letting out millenniums of sadness and betrayal with someone who feels the same way. After what felt like hours, I look at Spinel who appears to be asleep. I smile at her as I carry her to a spare room and tuck her in. After I closed the door, I pull out my scouter and see that it's almost midnight, so I decide to get ready for bed.

When I take off my armor and look at it, I decide to just put it in the closet and get some clothes out for the morning. When that's finished, I put on my nighttime clothes and get in my bed. Just when I was about to fall asleep, I heard knocking at my door. Confused, I get up and walk over to the door to find Spinel with what looked like tears in her eyes. "Um, can I sleep with you, I had a bad dream," she asks. Shocked, I look into her eyes and see that something is troubling her, "Would you like to talk about it?" I question. She slowly shakes her head no and I smile, saying "Alright, I understand, you can sleep with me."

Her pigtails immediately perk up and she smiles as she rushes to my bed, giggling. I shake my head while chuckling to myself as she hugs me again, saying thank you over and over. "It's no problem at all, now then, it's late so go asleep," I say smiling. She nods and I shut the lights off. As I was about to go to sleep, she rolls over and wraps her arms around me with a smile on her face. For the first time in my life, I make an oath that I choose: To protect Spinel at all costs. I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up, and see that Spinel is still right next to me. I slowly get up so I don't wake her, and go to the kitchen to cook some breakfast. I look in the fridge and decide to make pancakes and bacon. As I was making it, I was thinking of what today was going to consist of. I may need to go get some more food and other supplies, and I might need to go and apologize to those people I tried to kill. When the pancakes and bacon were done, I brought them into my room and saw that Spinel was awake.

"Good morning," I say warmly. "Morning," she mumbles, probably still half asleep. "I made you some food if you're hungry," I say to her as I set the food on the bed. She looks at it with a look of curiosity on her face as I cut a piece of pancake off and offer it to her. She takes a bite of it and I can see stars form in her eyes as I smile. "Welp, I'm going to go change and get ready of the day. In the mean time, stay here and eat, and if you need anything, I'll be right across the hall," I say as I smile. She nods while she's scarfing down her food as I chuckle.

I walk down to the bathroom and I turn on the shower as I put toothpaste on my toothbrush. When I feel the water, I find it suitable and I step in while listening to some music. When I'm done showering, I dry myself off and brush my teeth. I then decided to wear my old Time Patroller suit, except I got rid of the Capsule Corp and Time Patrol logo, with the jacket and cape being black and the shirt being maroon. I also wore black gi pants and white boots. Dressed and ready, I get out of the bathroom and go back into my room. As soon as I entered, I saw Spinel lying in my bed, groaning and all the food was gone, including mine.

"I think I have a problem," she says to me as I start laughing. When I calmed down, I grabbed the plates and Spinel and made my way back to the kitchen to at least get a granola bar. I set the plates in the sink, and Spinel in a chair and grab some food for myself. "So," I hear her say "what are you doing for today?" "Well, first I have to run some errands and then apologize to your friends for trying to kill them," I replied. "Can I come with?" she asks. "I don't see why not." I reply. I then hear the door open and Spinel running out it as I quickly catch up to her. Today's gonna be a long day.

Wow, that was a long chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it, and I'm planning on doing another one tomorrow, so I'll see you people then.

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