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The doorbell rang and I jogged down the stairs at Daxx's, swinging the door open to see a buzzing Felix. He immediately started gushing about how he missed me and how excited he was for tonight. I had been feeling pretty nervous about it all week, overplaying horrible scenarios that could happen tonight. Right now, though, Felix's enthusiastic behaviour was too contagious to feel down.

"Are you gonna drink? Completely don't have to. If you do want to, though, I'll stay sober- keep you safe." Felix offered, following behind me.

I had never had the typical party-culture teenage experience. I hadn't been clubbing, or even to a party. I had never understood people pumping their body with toxins; people say they don't even taste good, so what's the point? I wanted to try it, though. It might help me relax and have fun. Plus, I don't want to not experience something just because I'm scared of it.

"If I drink, you have to drink with me." I bargained, grinning at Felix.

"Are you sure?" Felix asked seriously, searching my face for ay sign of hesitation.

I nodded at him with certainty and he grinned, cheering. Felix's aura just screamed confidence and he made himself comfortable in any situation. For instance, right now- he's never been here before, but an outsider would think it's his second home. He dropped his bag on the floor, going over to the stereo and plugging in his phone. He started blaring music, dancing around while he looked through my wardrobe.

Some people might find it intrusive, but Felix was exactly what I needed. He was so in your face that it forced me to open up, match his energy and put myself out of my comfort zone. So far it had been the most positive experience of my life.

"What are you wearing?" Felix asked, scanning my clothes.

"I was waiting for you to get here because I have no clue." I admitted, looking at the pile of clothes.

"Well, you're in luck because I brought a spare shirt. You can wear it!" He grinned, bounding over to his bag.

"It'll be too tight." I frowned, looking over Felix's smaller frame.

"Exactly." He grinned cheekily at me, throwing it over to me.

I was dubious, but I went to the bathroom anyway, pulling on some skinny jeans and the top. It was tight around my arms and chest. I felt uncomfortable, but I had to admit it looked pretty good on me. I buttoned it all the way up and ruffled my hair until it looked decent. I stepped out, feeling nervous, but Felix wolf whistled immediately.

"Will won't know what hit him." Felix teased, making me twirl, "Finally we get to see him without the baggy hoodie!"

I blushed and swatted him away, feeling a burst of confidence from the compliements. Felix whipped off his own t.shirt and replaced it with a button down. He stepped to look at himself in the mirror and then looked at me. He smiled and stepped closer, his hands going to my neck to undo the top few buttons of the shirt I was wearing. When he was done, he stepped back and nodded with a grin.

I looked in the mirror and I have to admit, I looked different. I didn't look hunched over and closed off, like usual- instead I looked confident. I put a belt on and slipped on some vans, nodding at myself in the mirror. I look good, which is quite hard for me to say after years of hating my appearance.

"Ready to go?" Felix asked.

"Yeah, let me just go grab Angel and Mary." I nodded, heading down the corridor.

I knocked on their door before entering, the whole room cluttered with clothes, makeup and smelling sweet like perfume. Mary and Angel were taking photos together in the mirror and when they noticed me, their jaw dropped.

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