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"Rosé, please water the flowers in the garden!" Yelled my mom.

"Yes, dear mother!" I yelled back.

I got to my garden and grabbed my watering can, filled it with water.

I live in a small village where people do their normal lives. Usually villages seperate the species but mine doesn't, which I really appreciate.

I really like seeing other colors except the Primary species. Sometimes seeing blue, red and yellow all the time can make you feel bored.


"Aaah!" I shrieked. "Crimson!" I shouted.

Crimson laughed. "What's so funny?!" I asked. "Your face was priceless!" He said. "Jerk..,"

"Hey, hey.. don't say that your future husband is a jerk!" Crimson, said. "Can you please stop saying, future husband?" I protested. "Aww, why?" He teased.

Anger was boiling inside of me, he always annoys me. And I can't believe I'm going to marry him.

"For heaven's sake, can you stop bothering me?! Can't you see I'm busy!!" I shouted. I really hate him, he always annoys me when I'm just fine. "Whoa, whoa, calm down. It's just a joke, and I'm only asking." He said.

"A joke?! A joke?!! You think annoying people is a joke?!!! Can you just leave me alone, just for a day?! The longer, the better!!" I grabbed the watering can and stomped away.

I calmed myself down and hear the birds chirped. This is how peace feels like. Nobody bothers you, hearing nature. It's so peaceful!

I heard that there is a new boy, he's part of the Secondary species. Heard that he's part of the Orange household.

"Oh, why hello!" I said, a bird was circiling me. "You're such a beauty!" I reached out my hand and it sat on my palm. It sang to me, "You have a very sweet voice, little bird." I put down the watering can and petted the bird.

It chirped to me and fly off. I smiled.

I grabbed my watering can and went off to fill it again. I didn't see, Crimson around. Guess he had to go, that's great, I guess.

I got up and watered the flowers again. Lots of children passed by.

Purple, yellow, orange, pink and more. This village is such a peaceful village. I'm glad I can call it home.

After a few minutes, I finally finished watering the flowers. I putted the watering can back and camed in the house.

"Fuck." I whispered.

Crimson, visited my house.

"Rosé!" He came to me and tried to hug me. "Don't even try," I told him. "I'm going in my room, and you can't come." I stomped my way into my room and slammed the door.

Is this how it feels to have a partner? Should I be worried? Will I ever love him? He loves me so much, while I don't like him at all.

He's annoying, a jerk, an asshole. He's not for me, maybe he should partner up with the yellows. But, why me? Why are my choices always againts my will? What if I fell inlove with the Secondarys?

Too many questions, I shouldn't do this to myself.

I got over to my window to see other people. People, who were laughing, smiling. I look at their parents, red and blue. Their child, purple.

It's really beautiful that we could mix ourselves and make new colors. Black, are old people. You may be wondering, how could we Primary Colors never go extinct?

Well, sometimes. We born children who are primary colors. It's not rare, but it's 50/50.

I really wish I won't marry, Crimson. He's a good guy, but he's not my type. He's just a jerk to me, he pays too much attention to me.

"Rosé!" My mom yelled. "Yes, dear mother.."

I came down stairs and my mom looked at me. "Is something wrong, deae mother?" I asked her. She smiled at me. "I have a present for you," she smiled to me and pointed at the table. "Why don't you open it for me?"

I came over to the table, and opened the top. It was a new book.

"I heard you like to read romance stories. I decided to buy you one!" She said. "Mom, thank you."

It's a new copy of the newest popular book.

Loved by me.

I can't wait to read this book! My friend has had the book and I read the first and second chapters. It's such a good book!

I really want to know what happens next, I ran up he stairs and jumped on my bed. Finally, a book to read!

I opened the book, and read the first words.

Marylyn, my classmate.
She's beautiful, really.
She's like a rose.
Red, beautiful, spikes.
She's spicy, nice, and beautiful.
She could be your cheerleader, if she wants.
She could steal your heart, if she wants.

Poetic, enough.

Marylyn sounds like a dream girl. She's nice, beautiful, popular, hard to get. A mary sue, you can tell. But she's really a rose.

She has a side, she rather not show. She'll rather show people her petals, rather than her spikes. This story is romantic and heart touching.

When you see her, she looks like a person that you won't be able to get, but when you know her. It looks like she's someone you'll be able to get.

Don't judge a book by it's cover, person.

My love for this book is endless, I swear! I want to read this book so much! Now I finally have it in my hands. Time to read this now.


07.00 PM

"Dinner!" My mother yelled.

I came down stairs, shocked filled my eyes.


"Why is he here?!" I shouted. "Hunny, I can explain." My mom said. "No, mom. Why is he here?!" I asked. "Tell me please..,"

"He's just here for dinner," My mother sighed. "Now sit down." She added.

Tears blurred my vision. I tried to not cry.

"Teal.. please." Crimson, said. "No! I've told you, I don't want to see you ever again when it's dinner!" I shouted. "And don't call me Teal. My name isn't Teal anymore, why? It's because of you!" I shouted.

"Teal!" My dad yelled. "Where is your manners?! Sit down!" He shouted.

I stomped out of the house.

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