Not Saints, Nor Sinners

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     A/N- So, again, chances are if you're here, you're from the first story. If so, hello! Glad we meet again! If not, I would highly suggest you read it, as a lot of details may not make sense to you in these stories. I know I had said I would make the sequel a stand-alone two-shot, but this is short enough I can fit into one, so I'm going to just add it to all the others! So this is where you will find all of the AU Oneshots. I do hope you enjoy it, let's start with some angst, shall we?


     His pulse beat fast, relentless, like a message to him that he should stop now; turn around and go right back home because he just knew what he was doing was wrong. Despite this, he marched forward, wiping tears from his eyes with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. Well, Alex's- but that didn't quite matter. John's mind turned back to static as he listened to the humming of the river below, beating against the underside of the bridge, carelessly.


     Was he careless? Was this careless? His thoughts made barely any sense, even to him as he pulled the blunt back to his lips. He could feel his mind screaming protests, so loud he could almost hear it, but not loud enough. His chest still heaved from the running.

     Stop! What are you doing? STOP!

     Another hit.

     This is wrong, this is wrong... you were doing so well!

     Longer this time, what's the harm?

     Think of them!

     Think of who?

     A familiar burning sensation prodded at the tips of his fingers, a subtly, yet weighty reminder of his actions. He paused, slowly looking down at his hand as the static dissipated.

     See what you're doing?

     In a fit of shock, he dropped the blunt, watching as it dropped helplessly onto the wooden surface of the bridge. He blinked again, shaking his head violently

     "I didn't- no- I couldn't have..." he whispered to himself, horrified.

     He frantically nudged it off the edge with the front of his shoe, not caring as it fell. As he stumbled backward, he fought back tears- his mind still reeling on the verge of clear-mindedness. The voice in his head spoke again, though, not the same voice as before.

     Sinner... sinner... sinner.


     Alex tapped his pencil mindlessly on the kitchen countertop, trying to summon even somewhat comprehensible words to manifest on his unfinished paper. College sucked, assignments sucked, and if he didn't finish this soon, his grade was about to suck. He sighed, slamming his pencil down.

     "Can you guys please turn that down? I can't even hear myself think," he said to Herc and Laf, who was watching an obnoxiously loud WWE match.

     "No way, we can't miss this!" Herc called back, not moving his eyes from the screen.

     Alex groaned.

     "I said turn it down, not off!"

     "No, Laf hasn't nodded off!"

     Alex puffed his cheeks as he sighed, fighting the instinct to hit his head as hard as he could on the table. He wondered where John was, he had gone to his father's house to pick up some of his belongings that were shipped from South Carolina- much needed considering how many clothes he'd lost in that fire. He had said about an hour prior he wouldn't be long. He trusted him, of course, but he did not trust his father in the slightest. He glanced at the clock; ten p.m. wasn't too late to make coffee, right?

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