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the beat of the audio drums echoed loudly in the activity centre. people in clusters sat around the tables. some gathered up on the stage while others assembled outside.

today's acquaintance party is almost a replica of last year and the year before that. right after the principal announced the program's over, the excitement in the air rose. people become loud and a wave of excited squeals followed when the lights on the dance floor lit up.

senior students like you know the best part of the night only starts once the program is over. the school is giving the night for everyone to party like the young adults they are before the dreadful college life starts kicking arses again.

free drinks were served. the school admin won't mind, no minors could attend the party. plus, they clearly state in their announcement that everyone will be responsible for their actions. whatever happens after the program is not the school's responsibility anymore.

the music played, and you felt the urge to dance. however, the people on the dance floor were all grins and most of them looked like drunken idiots. you don't want to be one of them.

so you went to the bar instead and ordered your third glass of wine. you leaned back, swirling the glass in your hand, your eyes scanning the dance floor to look for familiar faces. some of your club mates are there, already waving at you to join them. you raised your glass and politely declined them with a smile.

you scanned the dance floor again until you spotted a group of your classmates who are getting wild. amid the sea of people, one long-haired woman in a plaid skirt and black blouse caught your eyes.

you smiled as you take a sip from your glass.

she's always been appealing to you but it just feels different seeing her in a more casual attire compared to her usual semi-formal outfit on normal school days.

the said woman and her friends are having a great time on the dance floor. they were in a circle, doing all those sexy moves to each other.

you have to admit you kind of imagined them all stripping out there.

ugh. what were you thinking?

"if i were you i'd stop staring and start asking her to dance," a familiar voice said.

you turned around and saw your friend, byulyi, approaching.

"i wasn't staring," you denied, turning back to the dance floor. "i was thinking of something else."

she elbowed you. "you're a bad liar, seul."

you sighed, knowing there's no point lying about it. "fine. so, i am being a hopeless romantic person again. what do you want from me?"

byulyi smirks as she signals for a drink. "why don't you just ask her out?"

you think the idea is absurd. "i can't. she wouldn't date me."

"what makes you think so?"

"i'm not blind, byul." you glanced at the direction of your topic. "she doesn't look like someone who'd date a girl, you know."

with a rum in one hand, byulyi leaned an elbow on the bar counter. "well, from my experience, women like that are more interested in women than men."

you don't want to argue with byulyi. growing up together, you know how expert she is in the dating game. she's been with too many women and has tasted different flavours (her words). she can even charm up her way and bend a straight girl (or used to be, in this case) to agree in dating her.

really amazing, you think.

because while byulyi has been getting all the experience she can, you were the opposite.

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