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you had snacks after yongsun and byulyi arrived.

although this is the first time you all have gathered and talked, your conversation came out natural. the mood had lightened up with the help of byulyi's sweet-talking and demonstration of 'flirt-back method', which yongsun had responded to eagerly each in every time.

with your apprehension slowly subsiding, you are finally getting the hang of talking to irene spontaneously. unlike byulyi, you are not making moves, like doing simple flirts or whatever. it's just plain and platonic conversation and you are happy with this progress.

the few shots of tequila you had for 'dessert' is finally taking its toll on you. byulyi had the same dizzy look in her eyes. yongsun and irene, although they've admitted that they were tipsy, still look okay.

the dj changed the music to something more of an electric mix which made the crowd go wild, altering the dance floor to a rave party. the combination of the tequila effect and the loud noise took over and you end up hitting the dance floor.

you don't know how you got there. the last thing you remember is yongsun and byulyi standing up. irene followed them, pulling you. you refused but she keeps pulling you up until you gave up.

and now, here you are, surrounded by mad-like people, dancing frenzy like there's no tomorrow.

what about you? well...

you surely can dance but you're not into drunk dancing.

you hate it.

especially now that you feel like the whole place is spinning around and around and around.

but how can you help yourself from not dancing along when irene is just right in front of you, slowly swaying her hips to the melody?

you don't even know if you're doing it right or if you look like an idiot but you're letting the music take control of your body, dancing like anything goes, just moving to the beat. irene looks so natural with it, and she looks damn sexy.

shit. what the hell were you thinking?

you closed your eyes for a second and shook your head to regain your sanity.

must be the drinks.

the crowd cheered again when the music changed to a techno-funk song. people began jumping and dancing at the same time. irene and yongsun started playing, hitting each other with those sexy moves again.

you stood there with your mouth opened, admiring how the duo is so freaking hot.

byulyi nudged you. you can tell from her lopsided smile that she's thinking the same thing. she joined the duo. you were thinking of doing the same but you changed your mind when yongsun and byulyi started some slightly sensual steps.

no. you're not joining that.

feeling a little left out with the thing happening with the two, irene went back to you.

"those two are having a good night, huh?" you said, striking a conversation.

yeah, way to go, seulgi!

irene stood staring at you, her mouth a little open. gesturing a finger to her ear. "what?"

"i said those two are having a good night," you raised your voice a bit, pointing at byulyi and yongsun. the noisy dance floor isn't helping.

irene smiles and shakes her head. she tiptoed towards your ear. "can't hear you."

you had goosebumps on the back of your neck when you felt her warm breath on your skin.

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