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irene didn't come to school that monday. maybe she cut classes again. maybe she's avoiding you again.

you're not sure.

you just hope she's not with simon.

but of course, she'll be with simon. duh.


you were about to get some books for your next class when a piece of paper fell out of your locker.

it's not an ordinary paper, there was a message printed on it:

'building c. 3rd floor. chem lab. 6pm. make sure you're alone.'

you flipped the paper hoping to see the name of the sender, but there was none.

this could be a prank so you looked around to check if someone suspicious is nearby. there was none.

you went back to the note and stared at it, crumpling it after and throwing it in the nearest trash bin.

your last class would end five-thirty in the afternoon. there's no way you will fall into this trap of this mystery sender.



it was silent in building c. your watch says it's seven minutes past six o'clock. most of the classes in this building end around four in the afternoon. you kind of understand why the sender had chosen this place and time.

you know going here is a bad idea but you are also aware you won't be able to get a peaceful sleep tonight if you won't find out who sent that note.

if this is some kind of sick joke then you'll surely beat the shit out of that person.

no one was in the hallway when you reached the third floor. you are slowly taking your steps towards the chem lab, not wanting to make the slightest hint of your presence.

you held the doorknob and took a deep breath before opening it.

this better be good...

you were expecting a person or a group of people waiting inside but there was none. the room is empty.

you went in further to check for any sign that would give you a clue you weren't fooled. still, you found nothing.

you scratched your head furiously, disappointed at yourself for even believing that little weird note.

but as you turn around to the exit the room, you jump in surprise to see someone standing behind the door with their arms folded across their chest.

"you're late."

you stared in awe at the sight of the person you least expect to see.


"what took you so long? i told you to come here at six, right?" she asked, irritated. "how long were you planning to make me wait?"

you blinked at her, still too shocked to say anything.

"are you sure no one's following you?" she asked.

you nodded. it's already past six. most of the students have gone home already.

"good." irene closed the door and locked it.

you're still confused with what's happening. "were you the one who put the note in my locker?"


it's surprising. you never thought she would make an effort to do something like that towards you.

"why?" you asked.

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