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the following day was the appointed day with the board to give out their decision.

irene's driver picked the two of you from your apartment. she held your hand as you drove to school.

she didn't let go of your hand as you walk from the parking lot to the principal's office. students are staring while you walk. seeing the two of you walking together hand in hand just confirmed the rumour about you and her being together.

but you couldn't care less.

there are bigger matters you need to be concerned of now, rather these people whose got nothing to do in your relationship with irene.

hyojung, byulyi, and yongsun are already waiting in the reception area when you arrived, along with hyojung and byulyi's guardians. you waited for about ten minutes before the principal invited you to her office.

your party was seated on the right side of the principal while simon, jinhwan, and jimin were on the other side.

"so," the principal started, opening the folder in front of her, "I don't want to make this long. you all knew what you've violated, right?"

you all nodded. jimin is smiling wryly.

"and we are all aware that no one is exempted from the rule?" asked the principal.

"yes," you said in unison.

"good. i'll go through this quickly." the principal flipped the pages of the paper in front of her and started to read. "last week, hyojung filed a complaint against you simon, jinhwan, and jimin for threatening her, seulgi, and byulyi about getting kicked out of this school. this was followed by a complaint from miss bae--irene's mom--regarding the injuries seulgi and byulyi had caused by simon and jinhwan..."

you looked at irene who hushed you by placing a hand on your thigh.

"... however, these complaints were voided by the board."

"what!" exclaimed byulyi. "how can that be!"

"but we sent you the medical certificate to support our statement," said yongsun.

everyone started talking. hyojung looked like she's about to cry. irene is just silent, her calm facade on.

simon, jinhwan, and jimin were already grinning ear-to-ear.

"can we please all calm down? i'm not done talking yet," said the principal.

everyone shut up but you can hear small noises of dissent on your side of the room.

the principal opened up another folder. "your complaints were deemed void because simon and jinhwan here have an existing case with the illegal drug usage here in school that irene here reported previously. the others, such as irene, yongsun, and jimin, were given minor sanctions as they were in the scene too although they never used the said drugs. but the decision for simon and jinhwan's case is immediate expulsion."

"what!" simon exclaimed, surprised. it's just now you realised that two of his front teeth are now missing. "but that one is already over!"

"who said it's over?" asked the principal. "you never came to the meetings whenever we summon you, correct?"

simon turned to jimin who looked like she wasn't expecting to hear this too. "i thought you already handled this?" he asked her.

"who will handle it, her dad?" asked the principal. "apparently, her dad's words to me when the complaint came is to 'implement the necessary punishment' and 'my daughter is no exemption to the rule'."

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