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Pain never goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.

The crack of gunfire was the next thing that I remember.

Apollo and I had both jumped at the sound and the yelling from downstairs that followed. I had grabbed hold of Apollo's arm, too blinded by the darkness to move on my own. He didn't mind as he held me close against him, both of us too confused and dazed to do anything. I couldn't make out who was yelling, but the sound made me shake.

I was completely awake now and both Apollo and I stood from the bed, not sure where to go from there. Apollo fumbled with shorts as well as trying to find his own weapon within the room. The yelling begged for Apollo.

"Orion!" The panic had finally set in and I found myself running for the door to make sure Benji and Orion were okay, stumbling a bit because of my fear and drowsiness.

"No Mouse!" Apollo yelled for me, jogging over to stop me from leaving. My hand had just reached the doorknob when he had called for me, his arm pulling me back to the safety of his side. "Stay here and wait for me."

I knew there was no point in arguing with him. He wouldn't stay with me nor would he let me go with him. I swallowed my complaints.
"Be careful and hurry back." 
I whispered as I let go of his arm, wrapping my own around myself. Apollo kissed my forehead once, his hand at the back of my neck squeezing lightly as he departed. The door closed almost as quickly as it had opened.

I pressed my ear to the door and listened to him race down the stairs until I couldn't hear anything but the constant yelling. I could hear them all shouting angrily about the room. Orion being the one yelling in pain. 

Another shell fired off leaving me clinging to the door my ears desperate to hear their voices, my mouth falling open as I heard Benji scream Apollo's name. The sound of a struggle still going on downstairs.

I clenched my teeth knowing I should listen to Apollo and stay in the room, but what if that was our goodbye?
I thought we weren't doing goodbyes anymore?

I opened the door, standing still in the doorway praying this wouldn't be something I would come to regret later.

I ran down the hallway, slowing a little to not trip going down the cold steps, my legs numbing as their words were now becoming more audible. Orion and Benji were the first two I could see, Orion wounded in his side as he curled into a ball against a wall in the living room, Benji trying desperately to stop the bleeding after dragging him there.

As I fully entered, I raced to their sides, against Benji's desperate protests to keep me away. I had just reached them when I saw her, Sarah holding a knife, fighting on top of Apollo a little ways off. Apollo had knocked the gun from her hands and was trying to protect himself from her blade. His blood was spilling too.

I saw the gun, my new target, on the ground and out of reach of everyone.

My feet couldn't move fast enough as I left the side of Benji and Orion and ran towards the gun. I wasn't sure if I would be able to shoot it if called for, but I could give it to someone to shoot for me instead.

Picking it up, I aimed for Sarah and tried my best to line it up with her body but Apollo was having a rather hard time trying to keep her still. That may have something to do with the blood running into his eye from the cut through his eyebrow.

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