Part 3

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Author: uLieZha
Disclaimer: Furudate Haruichi
Fandom: Haikyuu!
Chara: Sawamura Daichi, Kuroo Tetsuroo, Sugawara Koushi, Kozume Kenma
Warning: Semi canon, typos, a bit OOC, shounen ai, rusty english, swearing words, author's PoV

In Tokyo Hospital
Daichi walked slowly, following Kenma who was walking in front of him. They stopped at an ortophedic theraphy room.
Kenma pointed his finger from a window, to show something -someone- to Daichi. Daichi was looking at the person inside the room with teary eyes.
"I don't know about this," said Daichi in total shock, and deepest regret. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" he asked Kenma, kinda disappointed.
"Kuroo didn't allow me," Kenma replied. "He was hit by a car three months ago, and it broke his right leg. The surgery was succeed, luckily. And so was the recovery," said Kenma explaining the cronology.
'Three months ago, the last time I saw him, and couldn't reach his cellphone since then,' thought Daichi, recalled that moment.
Daichi was staring at Kuroo, who was trying to walk using walking bar by holding onto handrail at both of his side. Looked like the bedhead guy tried so hard to hide his pain, but he was able to walk few steps forwards though.
"He's been doing this for six weeks, and his progress is going well, so you don't have to worry, Daichi-san," said Kenma.
Daichi remained silent. He was just standing behing the closed door with both hands clenched hard. Kenma noticed Daichi's changed expression.
"Let's talk somewhere else!" asked Kenma, then walked along the coridor.
Daichi was not moving for a moment, still looking at Kuroo who continued his theraphy. But then, he was following Kenma walking out from the hospital.

In a coffeeshop
Daichi took a little sip of his hot black coffee. Too blunt to notice that Kenma was staring at him intensely. A smile was curved on Kenma's lips when he saw Daichi sighed.
"Doctor said, he could go back home next week," said Kenma, tried to start a conversation. "But I can't pick him up because I have to go to Italy," he said again, explained. "Can I leave him to you?" asked Kenma to the point.
Daichi smiled a little, scratched his head slowly. He sighed to calm his own heart down. "Why me?" Daichi asked curiously.
"Why? Are you expecting me to leave him with Bokuto-san?" Kenma asked, retorically, with a little smirk on his lips.
Daichi smiled awkwardly, thinking about how chaotic it would be if the hyperactive owl was taking care of the spoiled cat.
"Well, nothing in particular," Kenma replied. "I just want him to be with the right person," said Kenma, then took a sip of his warm green tea.
"What was that supposed to mean?" asked Daichi, while laughing awkwardly.
"Daichi-san," Kenma said calmly. "Do you know that he loves you?" asked Kenma, curiously.
Daichi stopped laughing. His eyes opened up wide, looking at Kenma's cluelessly.
"Kuroo had loved you since I couldn't remember when," said Kenma.
"I thought he loved you," said Daichi clumsily. "Well, I mean, you guys were lovers, aren't you still?"
"Since we were childhood friends, and we played volleyball together, I thought we're closed friends," said Kenma, then again, he took a sip of his warm green tea.
"Hn...," Daichi hummed, in such an agreement.
"I always love and care about him," said Kenma again. "But never in romantic way, you know?" Kenma was staring at Daichi who was gazing at his cup of coffee.
"Wha-?" asked Daichi surprised -shocked actually, but tries to hide it though it was useless as Kenma smiled gently.
"And so does he," said Kenma calmly. "We're more like brothers," he continued with a smiling face.
"But he was so depressed when you guys broke up, as if he really loved you," said Daichi, still trying to avoid the topic and denied the idea of Kuroo loving him.
"Really?" Kenma asked with a little smile on his face. "And in that case, he always came to your place, didn't he?" he asked again with a light smirk curved on his lips.
"That was-...," Daichi stopped for a second. "True...," he continued, hesitantly.
"For someone who are attentive, you're not sensitive, Daichi-san," said Kenma casually, commented on Daichi's personality as far as he knew about the former captain of the crows.
"Hn..., I guess so," Daichi mumbled an agreement.
"Well, it's getting dark," said Kenma after finishing his green tea. "Mind if you take me back home?" asked Kenma politely.
"Not at all," Daichi replied
"Want to see him again?" asked Kenma offering.
"Hn," Daichi hummed.

_ A week later _
In Tokyo Hospital
Daichi walked into the hospital hesitantly. He wondered if Kuroo would be surprised, or might be mad or felt uncomfortable when he found out that it was not Kenma who would pick him up.
Well, instead of worrying what the cat guy might think, Daichi should be worry about himself for being nervous as it would had been the first time they met since three months -and a week- ago.
"Excuse me, Miss! I'm coming to pick up Mr. Kuroo Tetsurou," said Daichi in front of the receptionist table.
"Yes, we scheduled him to be taken care at home since his progress are going well," said the receptionist politely. "Please come this way, Sir," she said again, leading in front of Daichi, walked through the coridor.
"Thank you," Daichi replied, then following the lady.
They stopped in front of a room with a board numbered 17 on its door. The lady opened it and entered the room.
"Good day, Kuroo-san," she said humbly. "Your friend has come to pick you up," she continued.
"My friend? But Kenma said he went to Italy yesterday," said Kuroo confused.
Daichi saw the lady helped Kuroo to step down from his bed, and let him sat on a wheelchair. Then she turned around and looked at Daichi with her beautiful smiling face.
Daichi entered the room slowly. Just to found Kuroo staring at him curiously. Kinda surprised, but not much. So typically him. Daichi smiled at him, awkwardly. So did he, clumsily.
"I should've known," Kuroo mumbled.
"Hn?" Daichi hummed in wonder.
"Ah! Nothing," said Kuroo shook his head. "So, let's go home!" he said again, with a smile on his face.

In Daichi's apartment
Kuroo was sleeping on the sofa. He had been sleeping for three hours straight since he arrived at Daichi's apartment. Seemed like he could not sleep well while he was in hospital. Well, who could?
Daichi took a blanket then covered up Kuroo's body to keep him warm. It was getting dark outside, and looked like it would rain in any second.
"Nnnghh...," Kuroo moved a bit as he felt a touch on him. He opened his eyes slowly. "Sawamura...," he said, sounded like he was still half-asleep.
"Sorry for waking you up," said Daichi, then he sat on the floor, right in front of the sofa, looking at Kuroo face.
"Nah, I've been sleeping for a while, huh?" asked Kuroo.
Daichi hummed a little. He was staring at Kuroo who was looking back at him with half-opened eyes.
"I just cooked something for dinner. I hope it fits your taste," said Daichi with a smiling face.
"As long as you cook it properly," said Kuroo, laughed a little.
"Damn you!" Daichi swore but with his smile widen up. "I'll prepare it for you," said Daichi, then stood up but Kuroo grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.
"I'm sorry," said Kuroo, murmured.
"For?" asked Daichi, confused.
"Causing you so much trouble," Kuroo answered.
"Well, you had been a pain in the ass since I knew you, so I get use to it, I guess," said Daichi with his sincere smiling face.
Daichi turned his back, but Kuroo pulled him again, held him more tightly. Daichi turned his head, looked at Kuroo's face in confussion.
"And for loving you secretly," said Kuroo, shyly, then let go of Daichi's hand.
"So you're sorry?" Daichi asked, plainly, with a big sigh.
"I'm not sorry for loving you, but I am sorry for doing it secretly," said Kuroo, explained his intention clearly.
"I know what you mean, and I don't mind," said Daichi with a smiling face. "Well, no need to hide it anymore. Besides, now I'm single anyway," said Daichi, then walked to the pantry.
Kuroo stared at Daichi's back. He was thinking about what Daichi said just now. He scratched his raven head. A second later, his face was blushing red. "So, is it a 'yes'?" asked Kuroo in such curiousity, but also enthusiasm.
"A 'yes' for what? Dinner? Of course! I'm starving!" Daichi replied from the pantry.
"You damn crow!" Kuroo swore and pouted. But he could hear Daichi laughed a little from the pantry.
"Kuroo!" called Daichi loudly.
"What?" asked Kuroo with louder voice.
"You'll sleep on the bed tonight," said Daichi, spontaneously.
Kuroo remained silent, not responding. Daichi's words had made his heart beat a bit faster somehow. And the black cat guy smiled in indescribable happiness.

_ FiN _

Ah, finally finished...
I'm not a fujo, but I'm drown by this ship so deep.
And I'll never put a white flag above my door for them.
Well, my taste of OTP is something you'll never understand anyway.
But still, thanks for reading this story.


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