167 47 34

Year began :  3122

Duration : unknown

Planet : Terra



Project Refracted :

Note -

There has been growing tension among the citizens of Zyphia. We fear Terra may be under threat so Alpha proposed a new scheme: Project Refracted. The project is still in testing with trials ongoing. Subjects have been resistant as of yet but perfect candidates. Terra must survive.

Dear Colleagues:

The rebels must be suppressed in order for Terra to survive. This planet is unique now as Earth has been destroyed; there is no chance of returning. The next planet available for colonisation is 3 light years away, much further than any human has ever travelled. Project Refracted enables a future for us all.

Any opponents to a peaceful and promising future must be eliminated but not murder, murder is inhumane and instead we must re-educate those who cannot understand the utopia United Nations is trying to provide. Our government is whole; we exist as one. Mistakes shall not be tolerated.

So instead they will undergo Refraction, a long process but I assure you an effective one. Alpha has entrusted me with the project and I will remain in control at all times. If all goes well, all major threats will be eradicated  by the Solar Election and our refraction facilities will then deal with those who have not yet learned what an honour it is to be a part of our superior civilisation, although those troglodytic cavemen back on Earth do not provide much competition.

Therefore I implore that you have faith in my process and that you closely follow the trials in our great capital, Zyphia. And when the time comes to eradicate all threats to our planet, I ask that you rise to the challenge and remain loyal to our world. We will refract those insistent hindrances, those beams of scattered light, and we will straighten them out, they will be uniform and they will become not only submissive but they will become the face of our propaganda. They will become the face of Terra, the face of the truth in that we shall be the first civilisation to succeed in peacefully remaining in power. We will be the ultimate saviour of the human race but that takes time and so I also beg that you be patient and please, enjoy the show...

Thank you,


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