Banished and Forgotten

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*Naofumi's POV*

Okay first things first, I'm going to have to loose this princess, I don't wan't her to know anything of what I have or what I'm buying.

You start to walk a little faster down the main hall to get out of the castle. The redhead is a little behind you, but runs to catch up with you.

"Hi my name is malty, where are we going first" the redhead said

"My name is Naofumi, and first things first is going into town to get some supplies, than where leaving to fight monsters and level up." Naofumi said

This wasn't exactly right, we weren't going to fight monsters right away but I wanted her thinking we were going to immediately go fight monsters possibly ruining her plan has I wouldn't even be in town, when in fact I wasn't going to leave right away, I had to at least try and defend myself even though I know it's a lost cause.

"You shouldn't leave town immediately, you should stay for a little bit and than depart when the other heroes depart." Malty said

"I can't do that, I'm the weakest of the heroes, and I need to be fighting monsters right away to even just keep up" Naofumi said

"Oh I see, how dedicated you are shield hero." Malty said narrowing her eyes

We had just gotten out of the castle and where now on a cobbled road heading toward what seemed to be a bustling market.

I'll lose her in the crowd of people and go and do my shopping, than meet up with her telling her I got lost and that were leaving, but not really, If I left I wouldn't even have a chance to defend myself, but I'm going to be very smart and not take any of my valuables with me. I know exactly what there going to do, but first let's get a look at my stats.


Natural Defence: 285+ (this is very high, the other heroes have around 105 defence but since he's the shield hero he has very high defence)

Natural attack: 25+ (is very low, the other heroes have around 105 attack, but since he's the shield hero he doesn't have alot of attack)

Natural magic: 90+ (is unusually high because magic is a learned trait so usually you start with 30 to 50 at the maximum)

Poise: 125+ (poise is the likely hood to not get staggered when hit, it pretty high because his defence is really high, the other heroes have around 55 poise)

Natural agility: 125+ (only ten or so more points ahead of the other heroes because his shield is usually smaller than the weapons the other heroes have so he runs faster.)

Stamina: 105+ (is a little bit lower because he's doesn't lug around big weapons so his stamina is 10 point below the other heroes)

Mana: 205+ (corresponds with natural magic and since he has a high natural magic his mana is a lot bigger than the rest of the heroes)


It appears that I have a really high defence and for some reason have a really high natural magic ability, this is very unusual has magic is learned trait and is almost never this high. (He knows how high they should be because he read the book at the beginning that told him the the usual traits and stats)

We had come up on the huge busseling  crowd of people. Naofumi abruptly took a lot of swerves through the busseling crowd to get separated from his 'companion', he then took a sharp left into an alleyway and pressed himself against the wall, and watch Malty  walk by looking confused and frustrated.

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