The Dungeon

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*Naofumi's POV*

       Finally I've made it to the tomb. It was surrounded by dence forest and was pretty well hidden on the side of a cliff almost invisible for anyone whose not looking for it. the book said it had ten levels each getting progressively worse, with the last one being the worst of them all.

I was at the entrance of the cave, so I set up the little tent that I bought from a town on the way here and a campfire, and then set on into the cave trying to prepare myself for what was to come.

      I venture into the cave, and eventually came to a rugged staircase, which I follow down, taking one of the old torches on the wall, and pouring oil over it and than lighting it so I can see. The stair case eventually got smoother and smoother, to where it looked like this could be a hallway in the castle and not a cave. The staircase eventually came to an end, an into a hallway. I walked down and it wasn't long until I eventually came across a huge room filled with monsters, and demons but as luck my have it they hadn't noticed me yet due to the fact that the majority of them where blind, I almost entertained the chance that I could just sneak past them, but I wasn't going to take that risk. If I get injured in the floor below and they notice me on the way back I could get killed, so I'll have to kill them here. They where all small creatures like goblins and gremlins. So I got started. I just ran forward and started chopping away at them, I had already killed a decent amount of them before they even realized there was a danger and started charging in my general direction, I had gotten careless while chopping threw them that one was able to sneak up behind me and stab me with there dagger, I was scared at first when I realized I had been hit, but than the reality of things sunk in. I had such a high defence that there dull daggers just felt like a poke with a stick.

(*time skip 35 minutes*)

*Naofumi's POV*

       I had finally killed all the lower monsters on this first level, even though they where easy to kill due to the fact that none of them could hurt me, I was drained of stamina and tired. I had level up seven times during that encounter, but I would wait to distribute the points when I got above ground. I was about to log up to the surface, when I heard a noise, and turned to look at the middle of the room where a small pillar was raised to about chest height and on it was a ring, I slowly approached it and picked the ring off the pedestal.





I took the ring and slipped it on to my pinky finger, it was a bit big for my pinky finger until the ring closed in on my finger making it a perfect fit. The change was instantaneous, before I was just swinging around and stumbling in the dark, but now everything was clear has day, and I could see so much better in perfect detail. I started to make my way up to my campsite.

       After about thirty minutes I made my way down to the dungeon again, walked into the first room, which was empty do to my earlier excavade, I than saw the door on the other side of the room that had a staircase leading downwards, I followed it dow to a second room, but this one was different, instead of being pitch balck it was well lit, and instead of being packed with lots of monsters there was only eight figures in cloaks. I decide to get the jump on them and went to sneak attack one of them when the all just jumped to the side and stared at me. I couldn't see there faces through there hood, but knew a battle was about to break out. As if on cue, one of the cloaked figures darted toward me at such high speed that I didn't even have a chance to attack it and had given me a little cut that was bleeding a little, now most people would be cocky at this point thinking that they weren't even dangerous, but I know that they are extremely fast and there are eight of them so the might just slowly kill me giving me one of the most painful deaths ever.

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