Chapter 6

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Im back with another chapter and I just want to thank everyone who has taken a chance with reading this story. When I start a new story, I like to put out as many of chapters as possibly so I can get others to read. I will also be doing a lot of corrections when I have a chance. Lastly, I want to say thank you to everyone who has added King of Kings to their reading list! It means so much to me. Do not forget to leave me a comment and let me know what you think of this story.


I did not like the feeling of being excited too much, as excitement could turn into pain. I had watched my mother struggle over the years not being able to be by my father as she had hope because the power of the crown had gotten in the way.

The promise of more sons had drove him into another woman arms. My mother was always his true love, but than again marriage is always a duty. A duty my mother could not forefeel with not having any more children.

I watched them closely as they talked alongside each other. The glow I once saw as a child was back, even when they fought. Lagertha caught my eye, as she reached over my father to grab my hand. Is everything alright? She asked curiously.

Ah, you worry about the boy too much Lagertha. Ragnar groaned.

Let him be a man in his thoughts.

Father dont make her disorderly, I said with a smile.

My Lord, I heard a small voice calling nearby.

My head turned next to the voice it came from, to find a nearby slave standing next to me. She only seemed to be a few years younger than I.

The idea of having slaves did not always bring me pleasure but I knew they were needed.

Yes? I answered.

Dinner is ready to be served whenever you are ready. I only nodded, in agreement.

She walked back towards the kitchen area, as I stood up.

Its a pleasure to have you all with me tonight to celebrate with Thryra and I tonight. I looked towards her as she gave me a small smile.

As many of you know we will be getting married tomorrow afternoon.

I waited until some of the crowed cheers died down before I spoke again.

I could be happier to have the honor to be with someone as beautiful, smart, and strong as you.

Although we have only known each other for short time in our adult years, I promise no harm shall every come your way.

I nodded towards her, as I seen a blush come onto her face.

Its the words from the heart that truly means something to her. I thought to myself.

I thank you too King Henry He nodded my way as he raised his glass.

To my daughter, my only child. I love you dearly and hope only happiness find you.

Thryra did not seem too pleased with his words, as she gave a small smile.

Lets feast! I said aloud as the doors to the kitchen opened. People around cheered as they took their seats.

As I sat down my father leaned over towards me; Seems as you born for this the words you speak are truly from the heart. Those years with you mother as taught you something you would not have been able to learn from me. Im truly proud of Bjorn.

Thank you, father. I nodded towards his way.

It meant a lot coming from him. I was pleased.

Here you Bjorn. A plate sat in front of me, as I was angered by whoever disrespect me at my dinner table.

My eyes followed the person who sat the plate in front of me. No other than Torvi.

Torvi, have you lost your manners? My mother asked before I could speak. She was still the lady of the house until Thryra had learned her way around.

Torvi, looked up towards my mother. No, my lady. Sorry my Lord; she looked over towards me with a smile but eyes that could kill.

Her behaver was becoming unpleasing to me. Something I had to catch before things got out of hand.

Dismiss yourself I said angrily.

She nodded she moved her body back onto edge of the table which caused a pitcher of Ale to fall. Landing on Thryra.

All movement had stopped, as Thryra girls had ran to her need. She seemed unfazed by it now.

I knew what this was about. Torvi was playing a game with me. An extremely dangerous game.

Torvi! I yelled towards her which caused everyone to jump at the sound of my voice.

Please forgive me Princess. I am terribly sorry. Torvi called out towards her.

Her ladies wiped her dress as much as they could, but it was still ruined. She stood up as they stepped back.

Torvi carried an expression that I could not decide if it was happily of fear.

Its alright. Things happen, Im not upset. She spoke softly.

She walked towards the door as her ladies followed her.

Dont she called after them, as they stopped in their tracks.

My daughter doesnt display her anger a lot. King Henry called out.

Torvi leave! You will be dealt with later. I called out, as I followed Thryra out the door.

I looked around as I found no trace of her. Fast walker I thought to myself.

My feet lead me to the main house as I walked towards her room.

My knuckles knocked softly against the door

I thought I told you not to follow me Thryra yelled through the door.

They did not; It is me. I groaned.

Me who?

I rolled my eyes as I noticed the little game she was playing.

King Bjron Ironside I said with a half-smile.

She made no sound for a few moments until I heard the door swing open. Is it no longer just Bjron? My how quick things have change.

It depends on who is asking; I was afraid you would not let me in.

King Bjron using his title to get into my room? She asked her eyebrow raised.

Please do come in. She stepped aside so I could pass by.

I stopped near her as I pushed my heard towards her ear. I could smell the oils rising form her skin mixed with the ale that still lingered from her dress.

I like the way you say King I whispered into her ear.

Next chapter will be good. We may even get a little PG-13! But as we all know when things are going to well drama must follow. For now, enjoy the bonding between Bjron and Thryra.

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