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Authors Note: I have not updated in a while I know it. But thank you to everyone who has continue to support this story and welcome to our 800 read celebration party! Please leave me a comment and like.


Beautiful. Was the only word that came to mind as I looked around. Everything was clearer in my eyes.

Trees surrounded, as flowers laid around me. I stood to my feet, as my eyes warned around more to women running around a small pond.

Their hair blew slightly as they ran.

Hello? I called out.

They did not stop. Hello? I said louder as I walked towards them slowly.

Its no use. They are not able to see or hear your snice you are not officially here; a soft voice said from behind me.

My body spun around, as she stood before me.

Its you. I whispered, even though I knew she could here me.

All my life I had only imagined what she would look like, and any image that had every crossed my mind were far from off.

Her long blonde wavy hair glowed brighter in the light, as she stood tall with a smile. He long white gown blew was the wind waved passed us.

In this moment I was shock. How was I ever worldly of being in the same presents as her.

Freya. I was whispered again.

Hello my dear. She greeted me as I bowed my head.

I could hear a small laugh escape her as I pushed my head back up. Her voice was breathtaking and now I knew why she was the beauty of them all. Any man would kill for her. In this moment I could not help but feel small in her presence.

We dont have much time. Bad things will greet you overtime as well as wonderful things. Her voice was firm, as my heart crushed.

What type of bad things? I asked slowly.

Most people would want to hear the good news first. She joked.

Ive always been different. I shook my head slightly.

Challenges will face you in your lifetime before you greeted once more by Thor and me. I need you to be strong during those bad times and good.

It is us women who really keep the foundation going in strong kingdoms. Jealousy will rise, as well as pain.

Love will grow strong but will have its downfall.

I dont understand. I said confused.

In due time you will my dear. Just remember family is forever.

Your sons will be strong and wise, as your daughter will be ahead of her years and a beauty to die for. You do not need to see the seer for that. She laughed once more.

Bjron is fond of you. Just try to be a little more understanding of him and stand your ground for yourself and your people. Your voice matter, and when you speak, they will here.

You must leave now. And remember to be strong with anything that comes your way.

But I still want to know how all of this will take place.

In due time just remember to stay strong.

In a matter of seconds, I was gone. My eyes popped open as I was in our bed chamber. I felt different. Something weighed heavy upon me. I looked down as Bjorn head rested on my stomach.

I laughed lightly as I never seen him so variable. Worry was across his face as his eyes were closed. One of his hands wrapped around my waist as the other one was holding my hand.

Fear, or shyness did not fill me this time as Freya words filled my mind of being more comfortable.

My hand roamed freely through his hair, as it was not braided like normally. It was exceptionally clean, although we had a few days until Saturday. The normal bathing day.

Are you finish with my expecting me? His deep voice filled the room. I stopped my hand in its tracks like a child who had been caught with something.

He looked up as his green eyes met mine. His head now even with mine as I could feel his soft breathes on my neck.

Are you alright? Should I call a heeler again?

No, Im fine. I said.

His eyes scanned my face for any trace of discomfort.

Besides, its late into the night. I added.

So? Bjron asked. They shall come at your command if you need it.

I only nodded not trusting my voice.

What happened? I should have not allowed you to come out. I am sorry the day after our wedding was ruined. Gyda, had no right to put you into harms way. Bjron said all at once.

First, I would have come along anyway. Gyda did not put me in danger, because I came out fine, and lastly Freya came to visit me; I whispered the last part.

His reaction was almost too nature.

What did she say? He asked.

Only for me to know. I said happily.

He smirked. Is she truly a beauty?

My eyebrow raised as he laughed loudly. My ears could never grow tired of that sound.

You are beautiful. He said, as my heart skipped a beat.

Though the room only held one candle, his eyes glowed perfectly into mine.

I dont want to share you with anyone. Not even our future sons.

Dont say things like that. I said angerly.

I was only playing around.

He kissed me roughly as I welcomed his lips. His hands roamed the lower part of my body, only to remind me of how truly unexperienced I was.

His lips parted mine as the reached my neck. Warmness filled my body, the further he moved down.

Im ready. I blurted out.

Are you sure? He said. I could still see the glow in his eyes from excitement.

I nodded.

Ill be gently. He whispered before kissing me again.

My body lifted slightly as he held me. I bit my lip softly as pain exploded through my body. My arms tighten around his back the further he pushed inside me.

He kissed my neck as he moved in and out slowly before the pain turned into pleasure. I would feel embarrassed by morning if anyone were to hear me but now, I was in another world that only included him and I together.

King of Kings ( Bjorn Ironside )Where stories live. Discover now