5. yes to new beginnings.

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don't touch
the fire
if you can't handle
the heat.

don't touch the fireif you can't handle the heat

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Nasir's lips sat pouted on her face as she lined them with a dark brown lip liner in order to achieve an ombre look. She used her burgundy lip tint before going in with her clear lip gloss and rubbing her lips togethe, satisfied with the result.

Today she was going to see the flat she would be renting out. It was located towards the south east of London, whereas Hezekiah's pent house was located in Streatham, the south west.

It was in the borough of Lambeth, specifically Kennington. Nasir was excited for her new beginning, although she was more than grateful for Hezekiah taking her in, she wanted to be more independent.

This had angered Hezekiah, he was confused as to why she wanted to move out all of a sudden. He saw her actions as ungrateful and selfish, and due to this they hadn't spoken since Nasir had broken the news down to him.

His exact words were: 'man was there for you when you didn't have fuck all to your name and now you wanna tell me you're fucking moving, Nasir don't piss me off'.

And to that Nasir responded with silence, which infuriated him even more; causing him to ignore her whole entire existence for her remainder of time at his house.

Nasir thought of his behaviour as childish. Yes, to some extent she did see where he was coming from but to no extent did she disregard what he had done for-- in fact she did the exact opposite. She constantly reminded him of how thankful she was, to which he would disregard her and tell her 'it wasn't that deep'.

Nasir had come to the conclusion that you could only win or lose with Hezekiah, no inbetween. And she wasn't going to suck up to him just so he could feel at ease, her days of being a people please were long gone; those days had disappeared along with her demon of a sister.

Nasir rolled her eyes at the thought of Hezekiah, but a small smile that she tried to supress made it's way to her glossed lips. Even though he was ignoring her he still took it out of his way to makr sure she was straight.

He often messaged her to make sure she'd eaten, or to ask her if she needed anything for her flat to which she would always rely 'no'. Nasir was determined on being independent, from the money she had saved prior to her being kicked out by her sister, and the money she had acquired from doing her and working at Zara; Nasir would probably have enough to live comfortably for maybe 2-3 years yet she was still going to hustle.

Nasir was proud of her far she'd come, she'd even bough herself a second hand nissan after passing her driving test in February. Against Nasir's wishes, Forty had gone and payed off the insurance upfront, yet she was still thankful for the act. Forty was really and truly her blessing in disguise.

Nasir looked at the several boxes in her room, taped with the label 'fragile'. She reached for her keys, before grabbing her phone and heading out of her room, and the house.

Hezekiah hadn't been in for the past two weeks, Nasir remembered over-hearing him talkings about some serious transaction him and his boys made with some Cubans. In his words it was an, 'a million pound deal'. After hearing that, she'd chosen to mind her business; not wanting to get sucked into any of his shenanigans.


"And these are the keys, the red fob is for the back door, whereas the blue one is for the main entrance." Nasir's landlord handed both her and her roommate and goodfriend, Hazel, their individual set of keys, to which they both thanked him for.

Their landlord was a middle aged caucasian man with a cockney accent, he was fairly good looking. His name was Harrison.

"And Nasir here's your car permit, just scan it against the reader and the gates for the parking lot will open." He handed her a laminated card with a barcode on both sides.

"Thankyou, again, Harrison."

"No, thankyou. Anyways, I should be making my leave now, have a blessed night ladies. If you have any problems, you have my number." Harrison wished them a farewell, to which they did the same.

"That man is too sexy for his own good."Hazel stated once he was was out of earsreach.

Nasir's fell agape, before she let out a fit of giggles.

"Don't make me tell Capone."Capone was Hazel's boyfriend, he was also Forty's good friend.

Hazel waved Nasir off, causing Nasir to shake her head. Hazel unlocked the door their shared flat with her keys before stepping in.

"It's too beautiful una', shocks me everytime I walk in."Hazel stated, looking around in awe.

Nasir hummed in agreement, watching Hazel walk towards the full body mirror, Nasir admired her friend's looks from a distance.

Hazel had stunning hazel eyes, hence the name. Her hazel orbs had specks of chestnut in then, which made them all the more beautiful. Her honey glazed skin was courtesy of her late mother, a brown skin woman from Panama. Wheras her father was a Nigerian man of the yoruba tribe, his skin was more copper toned, yet brown nonetheless. Her light brown curly her was slicked down into a big big puff. The ends of her hair were dip dyed blonde, it suited her best. And the middle parting she wore structured her face well, emphasising her sharp jawline and defined cheekbones. Now that Nasir analysed her, she weirdly resembled Hezekiah, Nasir tilted her head to the side in deep thought.

"Why you bare preeing me, weirdo?" Hazel asked, her deep voice reminded Nasir of Beyonce's.

"You look pretty." Nasir told her friend, briefly analysing her features.

"Awe, so do you."Hazel admired Nasir in the same manner Nasir had done her.

"Ok, let's go and explore this place now that it's furnished."Nasir stated, linking arms with Hazel before dragging her down the hall.

"If you make me crease my jordans I'm suing."Hazel stated.

Nasir chuckled at her friend, before they both went off to analsye their rooms.

I guess it was yes to new beginnings.


Filler chapter.

Unedited & rushed.

1050 words, this not included.

- taimoni.

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