13. their hearts cried for the fallen soldier.

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baby, you got too much to offer
that's prolly why they want you in a coffin
baby you're too young to sink it all in
damn. - brent faiyaz.

 - brent faiyaz

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Hazaiah sat in his blacked out four by four, his seat reclined back as he contemplated on stepping out of his expensive car. He was parked near the cemetery in which his late mother, and mother were both buried in. Occupying his passenger seat was his younger brother, Eziekel. The two had an eleven month age gap, Hazaiah being the older one. They were in the same year, and had always attended the same schools. Even going as far to attend the same college, before the two brothers finally branched off in attending different universities based in London. They still lived together though, they're bond was one that could only be understood by either of the pair, there used to be four of them. A foursome of brothers, but unspoken circumstances diminished their entities to three; and the third remained traumatised til this day because of what took place those many years before. He was Hazaiah's fraternal twin brother, when they were younger people often confused him, Eziekel and Hazaiah for triplets, the threesome usually just want along with it. Three musketeers. Yet those days were only vague memories, overpowered by the life-changing events the three, once four, endured. From four to three, then three to two. His name was Forty.

"Do you think he's gonna come?" The same question that Eziekel asked each time the two came to the cemetery. The hopefulness in his voice almost made Hazaiah show emotion, almsost.

"Maybe." Such a vague answer that made Eziekel somewhat buoyant, 'maybe'.

Of course they'd seen their brother, the three often hung out. They never reminisced about the old times, because they hated the old times, and most likely despised the present- and the future, they didn't look forward to. They saw each other frequently, just never at the cemetery. So they-, well, Eziekel was hopeful to see his brother at his deceased brother's grave, for Zedekiah's death anniversary.

Happy death day. The sarcastic voice in Hezekiah's head bothered him, he could never seem to control it. It would speak out at unwanted times, times like this. Times when he was supposed to mourn, yet he felt...nothing. Nothing but emptiness, from his eyes to his words, but never his aura. His aura had a mind of its own, it was more than menacing, and close to devilish. His motives often nefarious, with the smirk on his smooth dark brown skin to match. He felt on rare occasions of course, but the feelings were never ones that replicated happiness or optimism, most times the opposite. Him and Eziekel embodied two different outlooks on life, and how his brother remained in good spirits was admirable, yet Hazaiah would never admit that though. The streets didn't call him Hazard for no reason.

Hazaiah was so locked up in his own thoughts that he hadn't seen nor heard the male adjacent to him get out of his car, and with the dark bouquet of roses in his hand and a bottle of patron in the other. With an exasperated sigh, Hazaiah copied just brother's actions and reluctantly stepped out of his car. He locked his foreign vehicle, before heading towards the pathway that led to Zedekiah's grave. With each step he took, the more solemn he became. Hazaiah held a single flower in his hand, a rare black rose that he'd buy each year on this specific day. The rose was alone, the rose was tainted, and when he came back: the rose was dying- and if not dying then already dead. It happened all the time, he expected it. Death. The rose was death. He visited his brother's grave with a rose of death, a heart of stone, a brain of unruly thoughts and two brothers who remained. Just remained. Nothing more, nothing less.

Finally. He'd reached the grave. Scattered around was dark red rose petals, that was most likely his younger cousins' doings. Different bottles of high end alcoholic beverages neatly stacked to the side of Zedekiah's headstone. A single framed picture of Zedekiah, and the rest of the brothers as children, their eyes innocent and young, with a glow so full of youth. It was their auntie who'd placed it there, Hazaiah knew this because he recognised her handwriting on the un-enveloped card that was placed open right next to it. The bouquet of flowers Eziekel had bought, placed on top of the other array of flowers that the visitors prior had personally picked out from a specific the flower shop in Kilburn. A wave of an untraceable emotion finally hit him as his eyes came in contact with his twin brother's, a lone tear finally fell his right eye as he hopelessly placed the single black rose in its allocated space.

He'd came this time. Haziaiah's twin brother had came. Forty stood there, in all black, his eyes full of emotion as he stared at both his brothers.

"Why, man?" Hazaiah let out, his voice breaking as he spoke. His vulnerability was finally showing, he'd finally let down the wall he'd kept up for many years.

Eziekel reached out for his brother, encaging him in a brotherly hug. Hezekiah reached out and did the same, so now the threesome all held each other in a tight embrace. There they stood, in the middle of a cemetery, finally properly reunited in front of their big brother who lay six feet under, buried in the earth beneath their feet. They had finally fulfilled his dying wish, for them to be one again.

But their reconciliation was only temporary, because in a poor man's wold: nothing ever lasts.

Rest In Paradise, Zedekiah Ysan Umar.
Fly high to another fallen soldier.
17.04.1997 - 17.04.2016
A king gone to soon.

Their hearts cried again, and again for the fallen soldier.

A short heartfelt chapter to give introspective. I'm on a roll, just uploaded yesterday hehe.

Current Opinions on Hazaiah please?

Zedekiah - [deceased] 'ZX'
Hezekiah - Forty.
Hazaiah (Forty's fraternal twin) - Hazard.
Eziekel ( Forty and Hazards younger brother, 11 month age gap, same year group) - no longer on road, but nickname = Ez. ( as in easy).

I hope that diminishes the confusion, lol.

Opinions on this chapter please?🥺

And also go check out my new book, titled 'Becoming Bambi' ❤️.

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