24. when the walls of jericho fell, who put it back together again?

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"Cursed be the man before the Lord who rises up and builds this city Jericho; he shall lay its foundation with his firstborn, and with his youngest he shall set up its gates." - Joshua 6.



A young man sat on the ground, with his knees perked up and his black air forces planted to the lifeless grass. In his beautifully brown hand he held a lighter, and with the lighter he lit a flame. He used that same flame to light his zoot, before bringing the spliff to his lips and taking a long, well needed pull.

'Fuck'. That was the profanity he shamelessly let out after exhaling, the smoke escaped through his nose and become one with the sky, replicating a small cloud. He was on top of a far away hill, reflecting, reminiscing and doing everything but repenting.

The hum that sounded out into the atmosphere came from his phone, which was stored in the webbed side storage of his Nike gym bag. It took him a while to pull the mobile out of its allocated place due to his unbothered attitude. No emotion ran through him as he stared at the contact name, he felt the same as before; empty.

Serenity, was the name of the woman that was blowing up his phone. With her skin smooth like butter, and brown like sugar; she was a true beaut. Her name replicated peace, yet she was everything but the calm before the storm. In fact she was the storm, yet not many people were aware of that.

With one single tap to the screen, he answered the call.

He heard soft sobs come from Serenity's side of the phone, yet he still wasn't moved. The sound of annoyance that left his mouth halted her cries, as she realised he wasn't falling for her trick.

"Kari?" Serenity cooed as she abbreviated his name whilst trying to pull him back into the trance she once had him in.

"What?" He uttered, his voice plain, and emotionless. 'Kari's' patience was wearing thin, and he wasn't with the fuckery.

Serenity gasped, how dare he speak to me in such a manner were the words she thought as she tried to come up with a fool-proof act on the spot yet even with the A* she'd received in drama, Kari still didn't believe her theatrics. Kari mood worsened as he listened to the murmurs of deceit that left her mouth, Serenity spoke in hyperboles as she tried her hardest to make Kari fall for her wicked lies. She finally gave up, after realising the man that she once blinded with love was hers no longer.

Serenity's eyes fell upon the small bump that protruded out, and stuck clad to the spandex material of her overlapping leggings. This was her last resort, and although it was a low blow she knew it was the only way to pull her former lover back into her satanic arms.

"I'm pregnant." Were the diabolical words that left her mouth, and just like that Kari's all ready falling world cane crumbling back down... and this time he wasn't sure if he could put back together the pieces.

when the walls of Jericho fell, who put it back together again?
- even joshua couldn't answer that question.


Qahir sat in guilt as he analysed his beautiful girlfriend, Hazel's, face. Hazel was nose deep into her book, highlighting words here and there whilst also jotting down notes into her neat notebook. He watched as he ballpoint pen glided effortlessly against the lined-paper, leaving technical words written in an orderly manner against the manufactured pulp of wood. The culpable feeling simmered deep within his spirit made him almost regret his actions, almost- yet once he'd remembered the reasoning behind his motives, his remorse went as fast as it came.

"Done." Hazel's abrupt words made Qahir swim right out of his pool of thoughts.

"Finally." He retorted, watching as she set her work aside on rose up from desk before traipsing towards her boyfriend.

Qahir watched her as she moved, her motion dripping of hesitance. He kept his acknowledgment to himself, as she straddled his lean stomach. He bit his bottom lip, feeling her slightly brush against him as she comfortably adjusted herself. His hand made its way to her hips of instinct, as he gazed at her with hazy eyes.

Hazel stared at the horny male in-front of her in amusement, as he drew small circles on her side whilst sitting up against her fluffed pillows only slightly.

It didn't take long until the two were engaging in a steamy make-out session, with their tongues interlocked as they fought for dominance. After Qahir won their kissing battle, his hand shortly made its way to her neck and squeezed it ever so slightly. The soft whimper Hazel let out in his mouth made his long, and thick member twitch.

"Fuck." He let out that obscenity after the two pulled away from each other, and Hazel's hand tugged at the waistband of his grey joggers. He quickly lifted himself up before pulling them off and dashing them onto her carpeted bedroom floor.
Soon the pair were near nudity, with Hazel only remaining in a matching lace bra and pants and Qahir in his Calvin Klein briefs.

And that's what lead the two to indulge in sexual doings, that left Qahir releasing into Hazel with no form of protection, and Hazel oblivious to the fact as she rode out her high of ecstasy.

Qahir had broken her walls down, quite literally.

And though I, the omniscient, hate to mutter this dear heavenly question in such an unholy manner- my dear readers I have to really ask: when the walls of jericho fell, who put it back together again?

And the chapter ended with a whirl of unanswered questions, and confusion. Hints were dropped, and I, the omniscient, dare for you to catch them as I tell you of a man who weeped his thuggery away. And as I tell you of the forbidden story of A GANGSTER'S CRY.


1000 and something words.


Lol, big boobs? Um anyways chile so...

Who's 'Kari'?



This is rushed again, and I apologise. Excuse mistakes.
Vote, comment.

- taimoni.

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