23. what will rise when all falls down?

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the world stabbed me in the back, only to fix that same wound. the world fell on my shoulders, and passed me on to the moon. the world told me the truth, yet i thought she lied; Mother Nature derived- dear world, i apologise. - taimoni.


Fallen leaves crunched beneath Storm's high top converses as she waddled her way towards the car that her baby father awaited in. The tired huff that left her mouth as she finally reached the unlocked vehicle made her pregnant nature more than visible. The male that sat in the drivers seat leaned over, unlocking the door for her fro, the inside. A fain thank-you left her mouth as she slid inside, her hand on her slightly protruding stomach as she shut the door.

"You good?" His raspy voice asked, as he watched her strap on her seatbelt.

"Yes." Her words sounded rushed, this made him lowly chuckle.

He reached out his hand, placing it on her swollen stomach, a small smile in his face as he felt the hard spot in which the foetus resided. He soon retracted his hand, noticing the curious look that danced in his baby mother's eyes as she ogled him.

"Why didn't you come to the appointment?" She asked, wanting a genuine answer from the man who fathered he'd unborn child.

With his lips set in a thin line, he looked away. His silence deafening as he stared out into the open space beside him that his tinted windows allowed him to see. Storm was offended by his silence, she had selflessly pushed back the date in finding out her baby's gender all because this man didn't turn up. She felt alone, and as if he had missed something of major importance.

"I was busy." Were the three words he allowed to grace her ears, as he finally spoke. His voice was nonchalant, and raspy per usual- and the unreadable expression that evoked within his countenance did nothing but edge Storm further.

"Busy?" She repeated with a scoff, "Busy doing what Izzy?" That was the nickname only few were allowed to call him, other than his government of course.

He didn't answer her question, instead he put his car in drive and swiftly pulled out of his temporary parking space, his manner reeked of nonchalance as he drove down the somewhat empty streets with an infuriated baby mother by his side.

Storm was slowly but surely nearing her breaking point, and the main question was what do you do when you feel the world on your shoulders?
- riddle her that.


In a place far away from 'home', with a face of solemnity was Cairo. He resided in the confined space of his car, his back leant against the leather of the drivers seat in a stiff manner as he gazed down at the package of prescription that sat in his lap, with an infamous green cross in the middle of the white paper bag. His phone sat face down in the passenger seat, as it vibrated for the umpteenth time that day. A dazed look swirled in the pools of his dark brown eyes as he read over the back of the tablets again, and again.

For Cairo Kabil Sesay. His doctor's signature was scribbled on the label, Dr. Eve. Cairo remembered her condescending voice when she'd asked him if he'd been taking them. He hadn't. He'd been having manic episodes that made him believe untrue thoughts that left him feeling far removed and perturbed. During this times Cairo would feel as if people were out to get him, so he played tit for tat and got them before they got him. And of course, other things played into this, like the unholy things he did all in the name of power. The influence of his older brother, Pharoah, who similarly would be taken over by a delirious state, didn't help the situation. Their delusions bounced off each other, and dug them further and further into a deeper whole of fuckery.

"Fuck these pills," Cairo thought, as he threw them into the back of his car.

I don't need them.
And that, of course was a lie, deluded and in denial with an instant to attack was the young man. With a lost boy hidden inside him, with the voice of an angel yet a voice like the devils. Temptation, and deprivation are killing my people.

And how will my people rise, when they all fall down?
- a question only the fallen could answer... and oh, the irony of that.


The ache Nasir felt in-between her chocolate thighs reminded her of the events that and taken plays days prior, when she had found herself on the face of a man she'd presumably 'cut off'. 'Hezekiah' was the name that belonged to the man that had devoured her like no other. It was a feeling she'd never been presented with before, but after indulging in such acts only once, she shamelessly hoped that she'd become undone like that again, and again, and again. The feel of his tongue gliding against her forbidden fruits as she moaned his biblical name made her feel like she was sinning under the name of the lord, yet it evoked a thrill within her that gave her an undeniable amount of pleasure. Nasir skin heated up profusely, blushing like a school girl as the scenes ran through her head on and on.

Nasir remembered how her feel of bliss was short lived, as Forty left as fast as she'd came, literally. After they indulged in a steamy tongue-entangled session, Hezekiah rushed of to his bathroom to clean his face off before heading out Nasir's shared apartment with a dent in his aura. The 'bye' he'd said felt as if he was aging bye forever, but Nasir refused to believe such negative thoughts... but she should've. When the world had presented Nasir with the truth, she believed the words were lies, that was her downfall.

what will rise when all falls down?


Rushed, because school is already causing me wahala... pray for me please :(.
short chapter. 1000 and something words.

Ummm... who's Storms baby father?

Nasir thinks she's grown now, smh.


Forty, where are you please?

Dat is all. 😌🤚🏿.

Vote, comment.

Excuse errors.

- taimoni.

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