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" Name of the game is volume Dave you only took twenty papes, why?"

" Bad headline."

" That's the first thing you've gotta learn; headlines don't sell papes, newsies sell papes."

" Newsies!"

" You know what? We're what holds this town together, without newsies nobody knows nothing."

" That's right," Blink said before noticing a young lady passing by." Hey, fella's!"

They all took off their caps as she passed by, muttering randomness while I rolled my eyes. Racetrack, having noticed my obvious annoyance with the idiots I call me friends, was the first to speak," Don't worry Catnip, we all love you too."

" Yeah- sure..." a few muttered." BABY BORN WITH THREE HEADS!" Everyone split up.

" Alright, Les you head to the back of the crowd and start selling from there. Just remember, act like you're a poor, starving orphan and everyone in sight will wanna help you."

" Okay Jack!" he said happily.

" I'se going will 'im," I said, tying the rope Jack had given me a while back so that it could hold my papers." Make sure nothin' bad happens."

" No Catnip. Remember, you ain't allowed to wander by yourself after you broke that guy's leg."

" Wait, he did WHAT exactly?"

" Jack that way two years ago and I ain't broken anything more than a plate since."

" You broke someone's leg?" Les asked, looking up at me." That is so cool!"

" Well, I thought so too, c'mon Jack can't I go with the kid?"

He thought about it for a minute before eventually agreeing." But stay together, I don't want either of you getting into a fight."

" Yeah, yeah, c'mon Les!"

We split up for a bit, but I kept him with-in eyesight the entire time." How're you doin' champ?" I asked, approaching him after a customer left.

" I've sold ten so far!" he exclaimed, overjoyed about everything." Why do they call you Catnip?"

" Cause I'm a cat whisperer! Wanna see?"

He nodded, his grin widening.

" Then keep an eye out for a cat, any cat will do, the more ferocious the better. Go check up with Cowboy, make sure you'se doin' the job right."

" Got it Catnip!"

" EXTRA! EXTRA! BLODY CORPSE NOT CONNECTED TO TROLLY STRIKE! EXTRA! EXTRA! Thank you, kind sir. EXTRA! EXTRA!" I yelled, walking around the back of the crowd." EXTR- Les, the Hell? Put the beer down you ain't allowed to drink." I grabbed his arm and dragged him over to where David and Jack were.

" Jack-"

" A guy gave me a quarter!" Les exclaimed." Quick give me some more of those papers!"

" Wait wait hold up." David said, bending down next to his brother and sniffing his breath." You smell like beer."

" Well that's how I made the quarter," he explained." The guy bet me I wouldn't drink some."

" It ain't my fault," I said defensively when David turned to look at me accusingly." He drank some before I could stop him."

He turned to Jack next, as if looking for anyone to accuse." Hey no drinking on the job," Jack laughed," it's bad for business, I mean what if someone called a cop on you."

Les nodded in understanding before the two of us turned around to continue selling papes on the outskirts of the crowd.

" Is he a friend of yours?" I heard David ask Jack causing me to turn around again before noticing the warren.

" Jack," I said in a warning tone as he also noticed the approaching man.

" Beat it! It's the Bulls!" he yelled to us, running right through the boxing match while David, Les, and I quickly followed.

" All this for one sip of beer?" Les asked, clearly not understanding why we were running.

" Go go go go go!" I said, picking up Les mid-run and placing him on my shoulders so we wouldn't have to worry about him getting tired from all the running and stopping.

" Up this way!" Jack yelled, starting up the stairs to a nearby building before turning around to make sure we were still following him." Guys, I got you, I got you, come on!" He hurried up the stairs leading to the roof." Sleeper!... Kay, jump!"

" Hurry up! He's right behind us!" I yelled, running as fast as possible up the stairs.

Jack threw open the door to the roof before running directly across it and hopping over a small wall, yelling as though he was falling off the building. I grinned and ran off the edgeless then a minute after as Les, who was still on my shoulders, gave a small yell of fear before realizing it was only a short drop.

Jack motioned for David to hide behind the wall as well, and only seconds after he did the door flung open again as Snyder stepped onto the roof." SULLIVAN!" He yelled, causing me to look around, wondering who Sulivin was." WAIT TILL I GET YOU BACK TO THE REFUGE!"

We hurried off the roof after he left and I turned to Jack." I'se be 'eadin' back now, Race bet 'is month's savin's today and I want to see 'is face when 'e loses it all."

" Tell me what happens, I'll be at Medda's if you'se lookin' for me."

" Bye Cowboy, Les, Davey," I said, tipping my cap to them before scurrying off.

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