" Now is the time to seize the day!"

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The others were all grouped around the statue by the time we got back to Manhattan.

" Hey! How you doin' Jack?" Race said, getting u as we approached." So, uh, where's Spot Huh?"

" He was concerned about us being serious," Jack said quickly before I could begin to yell about what Spot had said." Can you imagine that?"

" Well... ya know... Jack maybe we oughta ease off a little, ya know?"

" Without Spot and the others, there's not enough of us Jack, ya know?"

" Jack maybe we're moving to soon! Maybe we ain't ready."

" Think so?"

" I think we should forget about it for a little while."

" Oh do you?"

" Yeah, I mean we're not Brooklyn, ya know?"

" Hey who we kiddin' here!? Spot was right! Is this just a game to you guys?"

We all murmured our disagreements.

" Hey, Crutchy..." I heard Jack mutter.

" Hey, Jack..."

" Open the gates and seize the day," David sang, walking around the statue." Don't be afraid and don't delay. Nothing can break us, No one can make us. Give our rights away. Arise and seize the day! Now is the time to seize the day!"

" Now is the time to seize the day!" we all echoed.

" Send out the call and join the fray!"

" Send out the call and join the fray! Wrongs will be righted! If we're united! Let us seize the day!"

" Friends of the friendless, seize the day!"

" Friends of the friendless, seize the day!"

" Raise up the torch and light the way!"

" Raise up the torch and light the way! Proud and defiant! We'll slay the giant! Let us seize the day! Neighbor to neighbor!" I did a frontflip, landing directly behind Jack and David as they shook hands." Father to son! One for all and all for one!"

" Open the gates and seize the day!" One half of our group, led by David, sang.

" Open the gates and seize the day!" those led by Jack responded.

" Don't be afraid and don't delay!"

" Don't be afraid and don't delay!"

Race shoved between the two groups and started dancing by himself before being joined by Mush and me, the three of us walked to the street, arms around eachother before turning back to join the others again." Nothing can break us! No one can make us! Give our rights away!" Twelve of us broke into two small groups, Crutchy and I stood in the middle as the other five in each of our groups circled around." Neighbor to neighbor! Father to son! One for all and all for one!"

A bell wrang before Jack asked," Anybody hear that?"

" NO!"

" So what we gonna do about it?"

" SOAK 'EM!"

The King of Manhattan | Spot ConlonWhere stories live. Discover now