" I'm tellin' ya Spot, that's how you know."

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" I've never been to Brooklyn. You?" David asked as we crossed the bridge. I nodded but kept looking forward, not knowing what to expect on the other end of the bridge as there's always something going on in Brooklyn.

" Really?"

" I spent a month their one Night!" Boots, who had run a bit ahead of us, exclaimed.

" Watch this," Jack said as he and I joined Boots at the rail before leaning over the ledge and yelling at the top of our lungs.

" So is this Spot Conlon really dangerous?" David asked. Jack, Boots, and I just laughed in response.

We walked across the Docks of Brooklyn, right next to the river, with Jack in the lead. A bulky kid, probably around Jacks's age, hauled himself out of the water and stood directly in our path." Goin' somewhere Kelly?" Jack brushed past him as I mumbled incoherent threats under my breath.

" Well if it ain't Jack be nimble Jack be quick," Came a voice from somewhere above us as Spot began the climb down from his makeshift " throne" of sorts.

" So you moved up in the world Spot, Got a river view and everything."

Spot landed on the dock before spit-shaking with Jack." Hey, Boots, hows it rollin'?" he asked, greeting the kid and seemingly ignoring David and me.

" Here, I got a couple of real good shooters here," Boots said, holding out a handful of rocks for Spots slingshot.

Spot inspected the rocks before placing one in the slingshot and aiming it right at my forehead. David looked back and forth between me and Spot, looking extremely concerned.

Spot mimed shooting the rock before pulling up at the very last second and hitting a bottle, which shattered on impact. Seeing as I didn't flinch in the slightest Spot put away his slingshot and took out his fancy cane before approaching me. He smirked and tapped my chin twice before saying," I see you haven't changed a bit Beauty."

I rolled my eyes before breaking out into a grin and pushing his cane away from me." Neither have you." We spit shook." Good to see you again Spot."

" So Jacky boy, I've been hearing things from little boidy's."

" Yeah?"

" Things from Harlem, Queens, all over. They're chirpin' in my ear.' Jackie boys Newsies is playin' like they're goin' on strike."

" Those Birds must know a thing or two," I said, looking Spot dead in the eyes." Cause we are."

" But we're not playing," David added." We are going on strike."

" Oh yeah? Yeah?" Spot asked, getting right in David's face." What is this Jackie boy, some kind of walking mouth?"

" Yeah it's a mouth," Jack said, clapping Dave on the back." But a mouth with a brain and if you've got half of one you'll listen to what he's gotta say."

Spot sat down, waiting for Dave to speak.

" Well we started the strike but we can't do it alone," David started, clearly nervous." So we've been talking to other Newsies all around the city-"

" Yeah. So they told me, but what did they tell you?"

" They're waiting to see what Spot Conlon does, that you're the key. That Spot Conlon is the most respected and famous Newsie in all of New York a-and probably everywhere else!" David said." And if Spot Conlon joins the strike then they'll join! And we'll be unstoppable! So you gotta join us beca- well you gotta!"

Spot nodded to Jack before saying," Well you're right Jack, brains. But I got brains too." He took out his cane again and stomped it on the ground before gesturing around with it." And more than just half of one." He turned to me and held his cane directly under my chin, forcing me to look directly at him, even though he was less than an inch taller than me." How do I know you punks won't run the first time some goon comes at you with a club?" He turned to Dave but kept the cane where it was." How do I know you got what it takes to win?"

I sighed and brushed off his cane," I'm tellin' ya Spot, that's how you know."

He marched directly up to me and stood less than an inch away, looking down at me as I held his gaze." That ain't good enough Beauty, you know it ain't. You gotta show me."

Jack, sensing danger, pulled me back before I could attempt to attack the King of Brooklyn." Well thanks for your consideration Spot," Jack said in a monotone voice, keeping a tight grip on my shoulders so that I wouldn't attack anyone." We's best be headin' home now."

I stomped down the docks, back to land, and glared at anyone who dared make eye contact with me. After all that had happened today if anyone even said hi to me, they were going to get punched in the face.

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