Madison is the schools nerd. She gets As in all her classes never fails never has gotten a detention she's pretty much perfect I mean Like she dresses good is good looking and doesn't even look like a nerd but kinda act like one.
While on our other...
Pls listen to this song while reading is one of my favs it has nothing to do with this chapter but I love it so much so thought I share it with you guys. Now you may read while listening to some music it's okay if you don't like it I completely understand but yeah love you guys so much and pls VOTE ⭐️ AND COMMENT YOUR FAV PART OF THIS CHAPTER also I'll try to upload part 2 soon. Stay safe with this corona virus 🦠 that's going on. After the dinner with the Hossler family we went back to our house. When we got home Chase kept saying how I should stay away from him because he's no good for me. After that I went to the attic that's in my room and started taking some stuff out because I want to turn it into my own little place when I can do contortion and plus is in my room and nobody will know. Then when I was tired of cleaning the attic which is pretty big I went to shower, brush my teeth, acne care skin, and sleep.
The next day:
Ugh stupid alarm. I reach out to stop the alarm from making any more noise. Yesterday I slept at around 1:00 because I was to busy cleaning the attic.
The only reason I'm doing that is because ever since my parents died I gave up in contortion and I really miss it, contortion was a way for me to escape all my problems and just have fun and of course I'm not telling anybody about it I'm still considering telling Avani and Addison because I don't know if I want them to know. OOOH maybe I can teach them! But then again that's my special thing that nobody really knows how to do so then if I show them I'll probably only show them the basic stuff like splits and stuff like that.
I'm not selfish is just that it's my thing you know. Anyways why say is it today? I reach for my phone and it reads Saturday, April, 8, 2020. Tat at least today is Saturday and I'm thinking about actually telling Avani and Addison about this so they can go shopping with me for some stuff and also helping me decorate when they won't tell no one. Right? I mean I knew them since forever so I trust them.
I get out of bed and head to my closet... what to wear.... let's see today is pretty sunny and hot. I think a crop top and ripped jeans will do good. Next I go to my jewelry box and pick out some sunglasses, rings, necklaces, my Gucci belt, and earrings. For my shoes I picked out my Louis Vuitton shoes because I was feeling extra and exited.
Oh my I almost forgot my beanie because I'm to lazy to do anything with my hair today and plus I love beanies. Now all I need is my hydro flask to stay hydrated, phone, air pods, and my car keys.
Ohhhhhh and make up I'm going to do a light look with consist of a wing eyeliner, eyebrows, blush, highlight, mascara, curling my lashes, and finally lip gloss. Andddd all done now I gotta see if Addison and Avani can go.
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Group chat: Me: Heyy guys I wanna know if u guys free today bc I was planning on going to the mall and buying stuff to decorate my attic to something u will see!!!