Madison is the schools nerd. She gets As in all her classes never fails never has gotten a detention she's pretty much perfect I mean Like she dresses good is good looking and doesn't even look like a nerd but kinda act like one.
While on our other...
I woke up from my sleep because I couldn't sleep anymore I looked over at my clock and it was just 6:30. I got home from detention at 4:00 so I slept 2 hours and 30 min. I think I'm going to go to the kitchen to get cookies and milk because why not.
I got out of bed lazily but the only thing that kept me going was food. When I was walking down the stairs I saw Ace watching Jumanji on Netflix. "Hey bro" he looked up and smiled at me and I returned it. "So where were you today?" He said raising an eyebrow at me. "Ohhhh... that... Ha-ha" I laughed nervously because I had never gotten a detention before.
"Umm let me explain before you say anything" I looked up and saw him staring at me intensely with an eyebrow raised it made me nervous so I started playing with my ring. "Ok so...igotadetention." I said really fast because when I get really, really nervous I talk really fast.
"Speak English please" he said chuckling. "Ok so I got a detention BUT it wasn't my fault it was because of this asshole that told on me but I told on him too so it's all good" "Oh... by the way aunt said to get ready tomorrow once you come from school" "whyyy? I have more important things to do ya know...For example eat, sleep, and eat again." Oh did I mention we live with our aunt after our parents died? Anyway she works as a doctor so she's out most of the time like right now, she usually comes at 9:35 sometimes. "Ight well I'm gonna got get cookies now" "There's no more I may or may not have ate them..." of course he did now I get to eat milk with a banana. Yay. Not. "Well you have to get cookies from the store tomorrow since you ate them all" I said sticking out my bottom lip and giving him my best puppy dog eyes. "Don't give me that look it gets me every damn time."
~*~*~*~*~* The next day: Ah yes another day of hell- i mean school the best place to go every damn week. Anyways today is Tuesday as you may or may not recall yesterday was our first day of school. Anyways besides that Aunty Maya said to get ready as soon as I get back from school but she hasn't told me why nor have I asked her. Anywaysss today for school I'm going to wear a different theme/ aesthetic which this is my favorite.
Even if I am wearing basically E-girl stuff doesn't mean I'm mean or dark I'm still immature. Ha get it I'm mature. Ha. Anyways back to what I was saying I'm still a happy, immature, stupid, and sarcastic, person I think. Hopefully. Anyways just because people dress different doesn't mean they're different and weird in the inside. Wow look at me being inspirational. And plus this is what makes me happy I like dark stuff for some weird reason but this is my outfit bellow. Reminder I'm going to be dressing differently throughout the days because I like a lot of things and I can't decide which aesthetic or theme is my favorite so YEAHH. SCHOOL NOW WOO. Not.
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Anyways if I say anyways a lot I'm sorry is just that I'm weird and stuff ya know? Anyways I'm going to hit up Al and Ad to get ready because I'm going to get them to go to Starbucks as our morning routines everyday.
Group chat: Me: Heyy bitches I'm going for you guys In a little be ready and don't mind my outfit let's just say I'm going to be changing my aesthetic a lot :D