•Sarcasm, 20•

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"Hey there, h/n."

"I would say hi back but I'm kinda mad at you for Impaling me..."

Sarcasm caught a lot of hero's off guard, maybe it would catch hawks off guard, then I could web him and escape!

Hawks walked over to where you had sunk down on the roof, his hands in his pockets, but his wings fully ready to attack if you dared to make a move.

"Heh heh, yeah, I'm gonna do a lot worse then impale you if you don't tell me why the fuck you where in nighteyes agency."

His chuckle was as dry as your now run out hope.

"Impale me?" You mustered a sly grin, even though your side was really starting to hurt, your blood trailing onto the cement.

"Is that a dirty joke? You dog! But I'm free on Sunday if you're feeling lonely."

He laughed out loud, not a fake or intimidating laugh, just a genuine, real laugh.

It made you smile hearing his laugh.

But that smile was short lived as his eyes trailed back to your form.

"Honey your young, what you doing out at night? Mama didn't read you your bedtime story?"

"No, she left me with a babysitter, motherfucker wouldn't even let me stay up late!"

Hawks chuckled darkly, but in the time you where talking you where able to close your stab wound with med web. It controlled the bleeding and gave you some relief of the pain.

But it wouldn't be long until you wold need to stitch yourself up, so you needed to get out of there.


"So hawks, is it true nighteyes a freak in the sheets?"


You raised your left hand and snapped your fingers twice.

while his Focus was on your left hand, you shot electric web at his legs, stunning him.

This gave you enough time to jump off the roof and swing into the night.

You where going to go to your apartment.

Yet at the same time, you didn't want to.

Because Tamaki was going to be there. Waiting.

And you where going to have to tell him everything.

•T. Amajiki, I kinda hate you.•Where stories live. Discover now