Jealously and Confessions

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third part of snowy days and questions


Amber was incredibly excited. It was her dream to see The 1975, she could never be able to afford it. She wondered how Luke could.

Luke was so happy, seeing Amber's eyes light up at the mention of the concert. She couldn't stop rambling about it and Matty Healy's fantastic hair. He just smiled and listened patiently.


Amber spun around, happy with her outfit she had chosen to wear (I Attached a picture of what she would be wearing). She looked over to Luke, who was tying his shoelaces. He wore a flannel with a black shirt underneath, skinny jeans, and a snap-back. Amber thought he looked amazing, even though it was something he would normally wear.

Luke looked up and his jaw dropped. Oh he loved her so much. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever saw. If he ever lost her, he would truly want to die. He wouldn't want a life with out Amber.

"You look so..." 

"Sexy?" Amber joked, posing.

Luke just chuckled and gave her a hug.

"You ready?" Luke whispered still hugging her, sending chills down her spine.

"Yeah." Amber smiled into his neck.

"Let's go." Luke grinned at Amber, he was very excited too.


Amber and Luke just made their way through the ticket booth. They had fairly good seats, it was next the the stage that comes down the middle. Number 19 and 20, in row 6, in block C. Luke grabbed Amber's hand and led her through the crowds to the entrance for Block C. Amber squealed with excitement, squeezing Luke's hand. Luke squeezed her hand in return and smiled down at her. She looked up at him, stood on her tip-toes and hugged him tight.

"Thank you thank you thank you." She whispered.

"It's my pleasure, Amber." Luke chuckled.

The entrance door opened up and part of the crowd filed in. Luke kept hold of Amber's hand as they made their way down to the end of the row.

The light's dimmed and The 1975 made their way on stage. Earning a loud cheer from the crowd. Luke felt slightly jealous of how Amber was gaping at Matty. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked down.

"Are you okay?" Amber said stopping her dancing.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine," 

Amber raised her eyebrows unconvinced. Luke just shrugged.

The next song was 'Sex,' Amber squealed and grabbed Luke's arm.

"Dance with me!" Amber shouted over the loud music. Luke nodded and started dancing along with her. He wasn't embarrassed. They danced together all the time.

"This is so fun!" Amber yelled happily. Luke just nodded, enjoying the time he had with Amber, jealously was fading away now.


 "This is our last song, Me." 

Amber frowned and looked at Luke, Luke copied her frown and put his arm around her waist as the song started.

"I don't want this to end." Amber whispered.

"Me neither." Luke answered. He had, had the best time with Amber. He found it adorable how she was so interested and noticed everything. Luke just wanted to kiss her right then and there. 

Amber started to cry. Firstly, this song always made her cry. Second, she didn't want the concert to end. Third, she was so confused. She wished she didn't love her best-friend but she knew that was impossible now. Amber knew she had to tell him sooner or later too. Luke saw her crying and pulled her into a warm hug. He knew Amber was upset about something else but he didn't know what. He decided to ask her later.


They were almost home. It was 11pm and Amber had her head resting against the window watching the stars as they drove. It was a mostly silent car ride, accept for the quiet music in the background. Luke pulled up in the drive-way of their apartment block.


"Yeah?" Amber said, barely above a whisper.

"Are you okay?"

"N-no." Amber stuttered. She didn't want to lie anymore. She just couldn't keep hiding her feelings like this.

"Well then, what's wrong?" Luke asked, concern lacing his words.

"I-I love you." Amber whimpered quietly.

"W-what?" Luke asked, shocked. He thought he would never, ever here the love of his life say those words. But she did. And he wasn't dreaming.



sorry ily. feel so evil bc i know whats going to happen next and you dont. >:D btw last chapter was a joke bc i felt like a needed to update. el oh el. i made the outfit thing attached aswell, it kinda doesnt match but idgaf.

i was going to update earlier today but my brother kept being a total dick head and plugging out the wifi. Anyway i will update tomorrow bc too much suspense

comment, vote and all that shit, it means everything and encourages me to write more c:

ily all xx 



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