Tony comes home☺

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I woke up in a hospital room. I was confused and didn't really remember why I was there. "H-hello?" I called out hoping someone would answer.

A few minutes later I heard the door open. I turned my head around and was greeted with a smile by the lady who worked here. "Hello sunshine, I'm Ally. 2 of your friends came here a couple days ago to see if you were okay, should I call them?" she said in a calm voice. I nodded and closed my eyes again.

I must have fallen asleep I thought to myself as I opened my eyes. I jumped when I saw Nick and Ondreaz standing over my bed. "You alright bro?" Ondreaz said with a giggle. "Yeah I'm good thanks". I looked at Nick "hey baby" he smiled and said hey back.

Ondreaz left to ask a doctor/nurse if I was allowed to come home. Nick walked closer to me and held my hand. "Baby I'm sorry" he said in a baby voice. I looked at him and smiled. "It's okay". He let go of my hand and kissed my head. "I should have believed you, I know it was just a game. I'm sorry for getting angry. I just love you so much and it hurt seeing you kiss someone else". I looked at him with a tear falling down my face. "Baby when we get back home I'm going to tell everyone I'm dating you okay. I love you so much too" I said with a smile.

I sat up and pulled him closer to me. I pushed my lips against his. He pulled away after a while and rested his head on mine. "I love you" we both said at the same time.

Ondreaz walked in. "Guess what" he said in an excited voice. I looked at him in confusion. "what?" Nick and I said at the same time. "You can come home" he said with a big smile as he picked up my clothes and put them in a bag.

I couldn't walk properly because I had a broken leg and a sprained wrist. Nick helped me up and handed me my crutches. I limped my way to the car and layed down on the backseats. Ondreaz got in the drivers seat and Nick in the passengers seat.

"He's so cute when he's asleep" Nick said to Ondreaz and they both giggled. "I can still hear you know!" I said sarcastically and with a smile.

*authors note - I'm uploading this at 4 in the morning. goodnight I love you thank you for the support.*

Tony Lopez🚁 x Nick Austin🧸Where stories live. Discover now