The new girl

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I woke up to Nick running around the house like an excited puppy. "morning baby, what's got you so excited this morning?" I said with a wink. He ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me, kissed me on the lips and smiled. "there is a new girl joining the hypehouse" I looked at him and smiled. "oo I hope they like dunkin donuts" I said and laughed.

I got in the shower and then got changed. "Tony come her bro" Chase called from downstairs. "Coming" I said.

I walked downstairs and was face to face with Chase. "the new girl is coming today" he said happily. I walked over to the counter to make some treats. we were throwing a surprise party for her.

*a few hours later*

we were all in our hiding positions. *knock, knock, knock* I opened the door. "Surprise" we all shouted. She walked in and was shocked. She smiled and greeted everyone.

I was happy that we had someone joining our team. she seemed really sweet and was so gorgeous. I walked over to her and made her feel at home.

about 15 minutes later she started to flirt with Nick and It made me annoyed and upset. I stormed upstairs and locked myself in my room.

I just wanted to be alone. I wanted Nick to come upstairs but he was busy. My eyes teared up at the possibility of us having a break.

Tony Lopez🚁 x Nick Austin🧸Where stories live. Discover now