Chapter 5

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Jack woke the next morning to hearing a loud pounding on his door. He didn't have to hear the person speak to know that it was bunny, kicking the door instead of knocking.

"Wake up lazy butt!" the rabbit hollered through the door, "We're stringing up lights and garland this morning before lunch! Chop Chop! Tooth went to wake Scarlett. Can you see that they get to the living room in the near future?"

Jack grumbled and got out of bed. He pulled on his hoodie over his tank top and grabbed his staff. Making his bed by using snow and ice, he swung out the room. When he stopped outside Scarlett's room, it was silent inside.

Jack reached up and knocked on the door. He didn't get a reply so he opened the door and stepped inside. He immediately froze, literally.

Sitting on her bed was Scarlett, wearing only short shorts and her feet were bear. She was trying to pull on a shirt over her head but was stuck since she had forgotten to unzip the back zipper so it was tight over her head. Her head and her elbows were still in the shirt, trying to find the zipper to unzip it... but her chest down was exposed. Luckily the girl was wearing a sports bra but Jack found himself staring a little too long at her long, slender, perfectly shaped legs and her slender waist.

"Tooth is that you?" the girl asked through the shirt, her voice muffled, "This is the last time I agree to wear this shirt! Why can't I wear my other clothes? It's not like decorating requires a dress code!"

Finally the girl found the zipper and pulled the shirt over her head. She let out a huff and looked up, her eyes landing on Jack. Having not yet noticed his rather flustered expression, she smiled at him. However, she suddenly noticed that his face was going deeper and deeper blue and she felt like that was either a sign of anger, fear or embarrassment. She glanced down at herself, hoping that she didn't have something on her shirt, when she realized that 99.9% of her legs were showing and then she realized that he had seen her stuck in the shirt, meaning that he got a good look at her front.

"JACK!" the girl screeched, grabbing her skinny black jeans and holding them in front of her to hide her legs, "Why didn't you say something? At least turn around!"

Jack found it impossible to move. His feet were stuck to the floor. When he had seen her, his bare feet had frozen themselves to the floor and he couldn't compose himself enough to unfreeze them.

"What are you doing here Jack?" Tooth asked as she buzzed into the room, carrying an armful of girl accessories.

She took a look at the flustered boy and his frozen feet, then at Scarlett who was holding her jeans in front of her and was going red. She put two and two together and guessed that the Winter Spirit had come in at the wrong time.

"Okay, Jack," Tooth said, reaching up and grabbing a towel, draping it over his face, "Dont move this unless you turn around."

Jack wasnt able to tell Tooth that he could see through the towel that wasn't a towel but rather a scarf. He guessed that Tooth had lost her touch while Scarlett was gone so she wasn't prepared to dress up another girl. HE could make out the figure of Scarlett who began to pull on her jeans and Jack felt his face go even more blue since he could see her curves and figure even through the scarf.

The fairy began to buzz around, hoping to do something to Scarlett's hair but the girl pushed her off. Scarlett noticed Jack's feet which were beginning to send ice across the floor. Grabbing a glass of warm water, she poured it around Jack's feet and his feet unfroze. She reached up and pulled the towel off his head. If Jack's face was flushed before, it was on fire now as he looked down at the girl who was looking up at him, her cheeks still slightly pink.

The Spirit of Autumn // Jack FrostWhere stories live. Discover now