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This is my first story, so I'll try my best to make it good for you guys. :3 

This is just the prologue, so it's just tellin a little bit about one of the main characters, Trace. The actual story will start in chapter 1, and then the first encounter of Trace and Levi will be in chapter 2!

A pic of Trace is on the right!


There was a bright, warm haze over my vision. I was in the arms of someone and they were in mine. I ran my hands over their smooth shoulders to their back and embraced them tighter. It was bliss. My face was at their neck and I enjoyed its warm.

But then the whole scene was ripped cruelly away from me as my alarm clock rang and I opened my eyes to the darkness of my room. I groaned and threw my pillow over my head. My door opened and my mom said, "Trace, you gotta get up! Time for school!" I moaned in response and rolled out of bed, nearly toppling over once I was on my feet.

It had been too good to be true. That dream, how I wished it could have been real. But no, I was forced out of my dream to a world where it was the same every day and even though I had friends around me all the time, I still always felt like I was alone.

My name is Trace. I have always felt like an outsider, even in my own home. Sure my parents are loving, but it's a distracted kind of love. It's like they don't really care at all. They are so wrapped up in themselves that I cannot do much to get their attention. I don't really mind though. I know that soon enough I can leave this place. I'll be graduating high school shortly, and then I plan to move to New York. I want to pursue a career in music. It's truly my way of expressing all of the emotions that I store inside.

I often find myself starting to strum a few notes on my guitar in my room and then moments later my little sister Kendyl will peek her head through my door. She'll come in and sit down on my bed as I practice songs, write new ones, or just play whatever is in my heart. She has always found an interest in my music and is definitely my biggest supporter. I can say that she is probably the one person in my family that truly understands and accepts me. But what can you expect; she's only 8 years old.

She has it all planned. Ten years from now, Kendyl wants to travel to New York to live with me. She says that ought to be enough time for me to get a job, find a place to live, and make lots of money. Now I can do the first two easy - it's the third part that I can't quite promise.

I'm counting down the days now until I can leave. I need to get out into the world. I'm being suffocated in this small town. I know I mentioned that my parents don't really care about me, but they still do all the annoying nitpicky things that any parent will do. I need to move to a place where my father isn't constantly talking with me about my future goals and where my mother isn't always going into my room and "tidying up". I know it's just her excuse to look through all my things.

I don't belong - I don't think I ever did. My family can lecture me all they want that I should stay here and get a real job, but I won't have to put up with that any longer once I'm gone. Even though we aren't close, I don't want them to ever be ashamed of me. That's why the less they know about me the better. That's why I have to make a new life - one that they never need to know about. Unless I become successful in my music career, that is. Maybe then they'll be more forgiving of the kind of person that I am.

At this point forward, I see my life being either a total success or a total failure. It's hard to see any possibility in between. Maybe that's because the inbetween is filled with many unknown details. I mean, I know what success would be - being discovered and having a career in music. And I know what failure would be - being rejected by music companies and eventually being forced to give up and get a "real" job to support myself. Any life in between those two extremes is unclear to me. There are so many other possibilities and unexpected turns my life could take. My only hope is that it will all come together and end well. And that's pretty much all anyone can hope for, isn't it?

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