Chapter 8

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Some new characters? Oh my! Meet Carson! <3 Also Camille. (:



As I regained consciousness I started feeling the pain in my head and I groaned. I remember drinking heavily last night so a headache was to be expected. But then I felt a slight burning on my palms and held them up to my face to see them. My vision was blurry at first but then I saw bandages wrapped over my hands. When did I get these...? I carefully peeled one back and saw some minor scrapes, as if I had fallen and caught myself on the ground with my hands. When...? Where...? How...?

I slowly sat up and hung my feet over the side of my bed, careful of the head rush I might get from sitting up too fast. So, what exactly DID happen last night...?

We were at Travis and John's place, and John had gotten us some beer. He did that often so it wasn't a surprise, but for some reason last night I drank more than usual. After that, any memories I might have had started getting blurry and almost dreamlike. I couldn't tell if I had dreamt it or if it had actually happened.

I remember walking home... I said things to random people on the street... Oh man! I made a complete fool of myself, I just know it!

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. Wait, what happened when I got home? Did Levi see me like that? ... Maybe I went straight to bed and didn't even wake him up. Yeah, maybe... But that didn't explain how I had the bandages on my hands.

I got up and crossed the hall to take a shower, not looking in the direction of the living room in case Levi was there. When I was finished I peeked out the door, but I didn't see Levi. I walked around the entire apartment, but he wasn't there. Strange, he didn't even let me know he was going out...

I went to my music room and turned on my laptop. I didn't have work today so I was free to do whatever.

A while later I heard the front door open and close. "Levi?" I called out.

"Yeah," his voice replied. Then he appeared at the doorway.

"Where were you?" I asked, then looked back at the computer screen so I wouldn't look too concerned.

"I went to that new coffee shop. When we went there last time I noticed a sign that said they were hiring, so I went over and applied today."

I was surprised. "Oh.. great! You can start earning your keep! Yeah. great." I trailed off.

"Yeah, I was starting to feel like a burden to you and I don't want that."

You're not a burden... "When will you find out if you got the job?"

"I already found out, I'm hired!" He lifted his arms up and did a little happy jump. "The boss really liked me, and after being just swamped with applications from a bunch of snobby kids, she said, 'To hell with it!' and decided to hire me on the spot." He walked closer to me. "And just between you and me..." He whispered now, "She told me I was CUTE!!!"

I laughed. "And here I thought she hired you for your fine charismatic skills."

Levi shrugged. "Yeah, she liked that too."

"When do you start?"

"Tomorrow! Gah! What am I gonna do?!"

I smiled. "You'll be fine! They'll teach you everything you need to know."

 He grimaced. "Mnm, I hope so. I might not do so well under pressure."

"Well you signed up for it. You're just going to have to go and see what happens. You never know - you may find your calling in coffee beans and whipped cream ."



First day of work! I'm so nervous! I was walking down the sidewalk and the coffee shop came into view. Gah! I can still turn back! I can still run full speed back into Trace's arms! Although he'd probably smack me away and tell me to suck it up and get my butt back to work. Hah...

When I got there I stopped for a moment and looked up at the sign. It was called "Kickback and Un-Grind". For creativity I give it props. Well, here goes nothin'...

I stepped in through the front door and a bell chimed. The smell of coffee overcame me. Even though I may not enjoy the taste all that much, I LOVE the smell, it's amazing! A girl walked over to me straightaway, a genuine smile spread across her face. I recognized her as the owner.

"Hey kiddo! Ready to learn the exciting business of coffee and customer service?"

I got really nervous. "Uh, yeah!"

She grabbed me by the shoulder and led me to the front counter. "Come on, you'll do fine!" she said cheerfully.

Her name was Camille, and she was really pretty. She was young, 26 or 27 I think, and had a ponytail of long blonde hair. She was one of the sweetest people I have ever met. I was glad to be lucky enough to have a boss like her.

The coffee shop was very warm and inviting. When I walk in the first thing I always notice is the window to the left behind the counter. Sure, there were other windows by the tables and chairs and such, but this window was interesting to me. A white light flowed in from it and it illuminated the work area behind the counter and I found it comforting. It somehow was able to lift my spirits. The coffee shop's interior color scheme consisted of warm variations of brown with outlining blue hues. I might actually like it here. It even had a lounge area in the right corner with assorted couches and chairs. Is that a ficus?

Camille handed me a blue apron. "Today we'll take it easy. Start with the basics. Nothing too complicated, okay? There are a few other workers, and right now you can meet Carson. I think you guys might get along. He's around your age, seventeen. You're sixteen, right?" I nodded. She smiled again. She was just full of smiles. "Carson!" she called out. "Come meet the new employee!" On an aside to me she said, "It's not like he's not a relatively new employee either though, considering I just opened this place up not too long ago." He wasn't coming so she called again, "Carson!"

"What?!" came a voice from around the corner.

Then he appeared in front of me. The first thing I noticed was his height. I had to bend my neck back to even see his face. When I saw his face I was filled with happiness by the huge smile he had on his face. What's WITH these people?! They can't be happy like this all the time, can they?!

He nodded at me. "Hey." Oh god... I'm attracted to him.

"Carson, this is Levi," Camille informed him. "It's his first day, so don't be too hard on him. Just show him around a bit and teach him the ropes."

"Alright," he said as he stepped forward. "Will do."

Camille left and there was a silence as we stood there. It was also the afternoon lull so there wasn't even one customer in the shop. I came at that time so I could have time to train.

Carson cleared his throat and clapped his hands together. "Alright, let's start."

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