Chapter 9

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Sexy time at the coffee shop?

I've never written like this before, so hope you guys think it's okay. (:


"So are you from around here?" Carson was busy washing mugs and handing the clean ones to me. I dried them and put them away.

"Right now I live really close to here, but I'm originally from England." I paused for a moment in thought. "I'm adopted though, so originally originally I was from somewhere in the state of Colorado in the U.S."

"Wow. See, now that's way more interesting than my life story. Born and raised, right here."

"I WISH my life was that simple."

Carson shrugged. "The grass is always greener, right?" Then he asked, "So did your whole family move out here?"

What can I say? "Um, I moved here... with my brother. Him and me, we share an apartment together. He's 18."

"Cool." Oh crap that was the worst lie ever!!!

Carson told me about his family. His mom died of cancer when he was 8 and he was raised by his dad. "When mom was alive she taught me to enjoy life because it's the only one you have. She said to be happy with whatever life gives you, because there's always someone out there who's got it ten times worse than you do."

I nodded. "That's good advice."


It was about a week after I started working at the coffee house when I noticed strange glances from Carson. Like, he was checking me out or something. I could hardly believe it - I've never even MET a person who was gay. It was always just me being different all by myself. It felt kinda good to be noticed like that, so I would return the smiles he'd give me from across the room.

Now, I almost felt like I should be guilty. I mean, I had a thing for Trace. But when I thought about it, he's straight! How would him and I ever be together? And it's not like we were actually together, so it would be alright if I flirted with someone else, right?

One time Carson and I both had the last shift of the night. It was time to lock up, so Carson flipped the hanging OPEN sign on the door to CLOSED and I grabbed the non-electric sweeper. I didn't get far when I felt a hand touch my arm from behind. I turned around and Carson was there, his hands moving slowly to my shoulders and across my chest.

My neck strained to look up at him, he was so close. I didn't say anything, I couldn't, and I didn't resist. Carson must have taken that as a good sign and he leaned down to kiss me on the corner of my mouth. I inhaled sharply - was this really happening? His lips lingered at my face and moved to meet mine. It was so interesting, my first actual kiss, and at first I didn't respond. I was practically frozen. That made Carson worried and he backed up, embarrassment written all over his face.

"Ah, look sorry, I don't know what came over me!" he explained. He started backing away further and then turned and was walking away.

I finally regained consciousness and realized what I wanted. I ran after him. "No, Carson!" He turned to face me suddenly and I ended up crashing into his chest. I slowly looked up to face him and our eyes met. My mind went blank. "I-uh... I... um..." He kissed me then. I felt his hands on my back and my own pressed against his chest. He started to deepen the kiss and his tongue pressed against my lips. I opened my mouth and our tongues met. Wow... was my only thought. A hand started running through my hair and I felt it being twisted and twirled between his fingers. Oh... wow.

For me, it felt like forever that we were standing there in the middle of that coffee shop. Then it occurred to me that there might be a slight chance that someone passing by outside would see us through the window, so I started leading us over to the couches, never breaking the kiss. We made our way to the space in between and somewhat behind two couches near the corner and I ended up being pushed up against the wall. How cliché, I thought to myself. His warm hands found their way under my shirt and moved all over my body.

We started sliding down to the floor and I bumped up against something to the left. I heard a rustling and broke away from the kiss to look and saw it was the ficus. I had almost knocked it over. Haha! Take that! Carson took this opportunity to start kissing down my neck. I was almost on my back at this point. My head and shoulders were half leaning against the wall and half against that ficus.

His tongue was tracing my collarbone and my eyes closed with pleasure. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest with every beat. I'd never imagined myself in this moment, but I wasn't complaining! He came back up to me and kissed me passionately as I felt the button on my pants come undone. Is he...? My question was answered when his hand found its way down my pants and grasped my bulge, still separated by my underwear. I almost died when he started rubbing it.

I gasped and buried my face in his neck. I felt Carson pull down my underwear to what was underneath and take me into his hand, stroking up and down. I moaned and fought the urge to bite his skin. He started slow but gradually increased the speed. He found my lips again but I could hardly keep up. Finally I released with a shutter and my head flung back against the wall.

There were a few moments of silence except for my panting. "How was that?" Carson asked, a seductive smile on his face.

I was slowly coming down from my high, my breathing still heavy. "I didn't think we would take it that far!" His smile disappeared. "N-not that there's anything wrong with that!" He got onto his knees and then rose to his feet. "W-wait!" I re-buttoned my pants and stood up, catching him as he was about to turn away. I leaned onto my tip toes and reached up to pull his face down to mine and kissed him. When we broke away I explained, "I've never done this before, so this is new for me."

"You mean because you've never done this with a guy?"

"No, I mean because I've never actually been with anyone. I'm gay, so if I WOULD be with anyone it would be a guy."

The corner of his mouth curved up in a half smile and he caressed my cheek. "How about we be together?"

"Hah..." I got lost in his eyes. "Okay..."

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