Chapter 2

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Guitar slung over my shoulder, I ran down the stairs of my apartment building, eager to reach the park nearby. I started playing there a week ago and made a few dollars so far. For me, the money is just a bonus. All I really get out of playing in public like that is the satisfaction of getting my music out for the world to hear. I know that peoples' ears have heard the notes I strum and it fills me with pleasure. It's like I'm able to rant my feelings out to complete strangers without even having to tell them my story.

I reached a pleasant spot where people were passing by and sat down on a bench. I laid my guitar case out on the ground and took out my guitar, fitting it into its familiar place within my hands. Then I lost myself along with the notes as they flowed from my fingers up and out into the air.

I continued for what seemed like an eternity. Some would stop to gaze at me, then continue on. Some would stop for longer, then drop a coin or dollar into my case. Some held the hands of small children that would jump up and down and tug on their parent's arms in my direction to indicate that they wanted to stop to listen.

You see so many different people, it's truly amazing. And not just their appearances, but you also get to see the different reactions many have towards the same situation. Whether they stop to enjoy or ignore completely, whether they deem it unworthy or decide to offer some coins.

On this particular day, at this particular moment, I caught the gaze of one particular person. It was a boy, maybe slightly younger than myself. I hadn't noticed how he got there, but he was standing somewhat awkwardly a good distance from me. I brushed it off, thinking that soon he would pass by or meet up with someone he was waiting for. But no, every time I looked in his direction he was there, just standing. Sometimes he would be looking at me, sometimes at my guitar, and sometimes he would get embarrassed by my glances and casually look away.

Okay, now I was intrigued. What did he want? Was he waiting for me to finish so he could compliment my playing or what? After a long while, I finally felt good with my performance and decided to pack up. As I stood and slung my guitar over my shoulder, I glanced once more at the boy. When he noticed that I had gotten up his expression changed to a nervous, almost frightened look. Then he turned around and walked hurriedly away.

How strange, I thought as I began walking in the opposite direction. I shook my head in confusion, then had an impulse to look over my shoulder one last time. When I did I caught sight of the boy walking away, also looking back at me over his shoulder. I turned my head back to the direction I was going. Weird...

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