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Hades sat before her, lounging slightly in the dark throne, waiting for her to speak. She seemed completely dumbstruck, only able to stare, openmouthed, at the Lord of Hell, about whom she had heard so many infamous stories. He was the monster of her childhood, set to scare little children to bed when they wished to stay up longer. And now that she was here, face to face with the nursery beast, she knew not what to do.

He waited for her to bow, as was custom.

She did not.

He waited longer and still, she did not descend to her knees.

Finally, after too many heartbeats, she spoke.

"My lord Hades," she breathed, still gazing at him with a strange inquisitiveness that made him feel slightly restless. The tears from Azar's heartbreak had already dried on her face, leaving nothing but salty residue. The anguish that had coloured her features only moments before was replaced by a look of enchantment and wonder as she stared up at the Lord of the Dead, and the rubies and gemstones that adorned his seat glimmered ever so slightly over her golden face.

He nodded mutely, waiting for her to say more.

Without warning, she began to twirl around the room, beaming up at the pinpricks of starlight that adorned the ceiling between the black mould, the strands of long, chestnut hair whipping around her like a shield of joy. Hades sat up, now the one staring as the Goddess of Spring danced around his throne room, laughing elatedly at something he could not comprehend. She continued for a few more moments before coming to a hearty stop near the doors, and resting her eyes on his figure once more, a luminous grin transforming the room into one of light.

"I had never expected your realm to be so beautiful!" she stated, still smiling as she waited for the Lord to answer. He could not. He knew not what to say.

"I mean, I thought, surely the realm of death would be decrepit and dark and disgusting, well, I mean, it is those things too, and I mean no offence by that, but it is so beautiful as well, and full of light and grace and gentleness and -"

She continued her rambling while Hades stared at her still, unable to speak, wondering how this soul could have been transported here, to the kingdom of misery, a bright, young jubilant soul such as this.

"- and it just seems so much more ... more peaceful, than above ground. It's quiet here. It's lovely," she finished, letting out a long, contented sigh, before remembering why she was here.

"But my Lord Hades, forgive me, for I forgot the reason of my visit. I will be staying here for an amount of time, I need some space from Olympus and my mother, to cool both our tempers to make way for the Spring harvest."

She appeared to have already made up her mind, and it sounded as if nothing of this world or the next could make her change it.

Hades sat silently for a few moments, wondering how he would address this girl. Her face and smile showed a youth that was unmatched by the fire in her eyes. He did not know how he would stop her from achieving her wants. If he could, even.

"Lady Kore -"


She looked at him evenly in his bewilderment before replying, "Kore is the name of my childhood. I am no longer a child, henceforth I should not be referred to as one. I am twelve-score and nine years born now, and have seen enough death and destruction in Olympus to credit my age much higher. I am Persephone."

Bringer of destruction. The name fit her like it was made specifically for her existence. Kore seemed jarringly incorrect, this woman of life and fire, this woman who refused to heed either Zeus' or her mother's call. Not even the King of the Underworld could force her in anything.

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