1. When I first met you.

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Yea I know, this isn't exactly how they actually meet but it's a fan fiction so I mean I can do what I want. Hope you don't mind the slight difference.

"Look at him trembling!!"
"Awww is someone gonna cry?"
"We should stop guys! Before he starts crying for his mommy!"

The 3 boys laugh as they teased Yamaguchi, who was on the verge of tears.


Just as tears came a voice spoke. Yamaguchi and the 3 bully's looked behind them.
"What's you said?" One of the kids asked.

"I said Lame. What are you gonna do about it?" The boy said.

Yamaguchi looked at the boy closely. The boy was very tall, and wore some glasses. He had blonde hair and wore a flat expression almost.

Just like Yamaguchi saw, the other boys realized how tall he really was. One of the boys just looked away before saying, "whatever! I don't have time to waste on you!" He spoke turning to leave, the other boys following behind.

Yamaguchi looked up and stared at the boy in awe. He stood up to those guys like it was nothing. The blonde boy looked down at him before asking "what?"

The dark haired boy looked down in embarrassment. "S-sorry!! Th-thank you!!" He said quickly standing up.

"Yea whatever.." the taller boy said.

Yamaguchi looked down shyly. He didn't know what to say so he just said his name. "You can call m-me Yamaguchi!" He spitted put surprising the taller one.

"Tsukishima." The taller one said. Although his phone buzzed and he checked to see a message from his older brother. "Bye I guess.." Tsukishima said turning and walking.

Yamaguchi nodded and just stood there. 'Will I ever see him again?' He thought when the blonde left.

Next Day

Yama sat down in his class bored as always. He was tired as it was his first class of the day.

"Listen up class!" His teacher spoke. He looked up waiting for her to speak. "We have a new student here! He just moved and it's his first day here so please make him feel comfortable." She said. Almost on cue a tall boy, wearing glasses, with blonde hair.

'Tsukishima?!?!' Yamaguchi thought as he recognized the boy.
Tsukishima seemed to see him as well but didn't make any actions to show he saw. He waved his hand slightly before speaking. "My name is Tsukishima Kei. I just moved here. That's all..." he said.

"I hope you have lots of fun here! Why don't you go sit by Yamaguchi, the boy with dark hair over there." She said smiling. (I'm the teacher ;)

Yamaguchi face got a bit red as the blonde walked over near him. Yamaguchi just stare forward trying to avoid eye contact from embarrassment.

"Want to eat lunch together or what?" The tall boy asked. Yamaguchi simply nodded in embarrassment and not wanting to upset him. He looked down and tried to focus on the school.

Eventually the bell rang signaling it was time for lunch. As everyone got up in a hurry to leave like usual Yamaguchi took his time in no rush. He didn't mind school.
Apparently, Tsukishima took his time as well, putting his stuff in his bag. As they both finished up Yamaguchi simply stared down.

"So?" The tall one asked.

Yamaguchi looked up at him nervously.

"Where do we go? You've been here longer then me." He said blankly showing no emotion.

"Uh r-right!" Yamaguchi said. Slowly he walked over to his favorite spot to during lunch, Tsukishima following behind him. Once they made it, they sat down and started eating. "Is the school work always this easy?" Tsukishima asked. Yamaguchi perked his head up. Yea he loved school and had good grades. Although sometimes he would struggle, like he was today.

"Umm...I don't k-know. I had some struggles t-today..." he stuttered and spoke quietly.

"With what? It's like..." he said explaining in further detail what they learned today. (Cause no one cares about school)

Yamaguchi smiled as he finally understood the materiel! "Wow! Thanks Tsuki! Your really smart!" He said happily.

"Tsuki?" The said name asked.

Yamaguchi's face became red as he realized the accidental nickname he gave him. "S-sorry!!! It just s-slipped our!!" He said quickly apologizing.

Tsuki, smirked before quietly saying "it's fine"

Yamaguchi looked up and once again admired him.

"I can't believe that was almost 6 years ago" Yamaguchi said as he thought about when him and Tsuki first met. He knew around half way through middle school that he had a small crush on him. He had always thought it was weird until he learned the word gay. He always pushed his feelings away and hid them, as he didn't wanna risk losing his friend.

So he acted like they weren't there when he was around.

Even though Tsuki has his headphones on Yamaguchi spoke anyways. "Hey Tsuki! Remember when I accidentally first called you that! I got so scared." He said giggling.

Tsuki said nothing. Usually Yamaguchi was used to no response. However today, he felt upset. He stopped walking as he started thinking in his head.
'There's a reason he wears headphones... it's cause I'm annoying. It's cause he doesn't like me. He never could with a nervous shy person like me-'

"Yamaguchi?" Tsuki asked ahead of him a bit.

Said name broke out of his thoughts and just nodded and gave a smile. He half ran to catch up and continued walking with him. 'Look at you idiot. Making him stop and worry about you. He could never love me...' he thought looking down.

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