3. Advice

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We all love ourselves a little Sugamamma

Yamaguchi slowly walked to where Sugawara lives hoping he wouldn't mind the surprise visit.

Sugawara has always been there for all the teammates. He was so great at giving advice and to all the members he was like a 2nd mom. (SUGAMAMA)

As he approached the house and to his surprise he saw Sugawara outside.

Sugawara was first to speak after he saw Yamaguchi standing there. "Yamaguchi what are you doing here shouldn't you be home it's already almost 6?" He asked walking over to where he was standing.

Yamaguchi just started crying leaving Sugawara to figure something must have happened. He pulled Yamaguchi into a hug as he started rubbing his back. "It's alright Yamaguchi you can talk to me. Tell me everything that's been happening." He said as he slowly walked him over inside his house.

They sat down in Suga's room as he waited patiently for Yamaguchi to talk.

When Yamaguchi thought the words in his head he finally spoke up. "Umm...you know Tsuki right? Well...I um..." he said struggling to get the words out.

"Love him?" Sugawara asked smirking at him.

"Is it that obvious! I try and make it seem like we're only best friends!!" Yamaguchi said embarrassed.

"Yea it's obvious. Tsukishima is just oblivious. So what's the deal though? Something happen between you too?" He asked getting back on topic.

Yamaguchi looked over at Suga's wall. "Nothing really happened, I just was thinking. I mean you see it right. How much he probably hates me and doesn't actually wanna be friend." He said as tears were about to fall again. "I mean look at me. I have brown hair, freckles, I'm skinny. Nothing about me is pretty. And I'm so awful at talking and I'm shy. I'm not that good at volleyball. He has every reason to hate me." Yamaguchi said tears falling without even realizing it.

Sugawara took his hand and wiped away his tears giving him a look that said 'I know you did not say that'. Sugawara took a deep breath before he spoke.

"Yamaguchi. I swear if you don't take back everything you just said. How could you say things about yourself that aren't true! Yes you do have brown hair. Yes you do have freckles. Yes you are skinny. But that doesn't make you ugly!! Your very pretty Yamaguchi and I don't know why you can't see that." Sugawara said patting Yamaguchi's back calming him.

Yamaguchi sighed not believing it that much. "I-I guess..." he said looking down.

Obviously Sugawara was not convinced. "Yamaguchi do you really think your ugly? Knowing Tsuki I have the feeling he would've said something like that to your face. Has he though?" He asked making Yamaguchi look up at him.

"N-no..." he said quietly shaking his head.

"Exactly. You know he would've told you long ago if you were." He said giving Yamaguchi a small smile.

Yamaguchi looked back up and returning a smile finally believing him. However the smile quickly faded as his thoughts consumed him again. "S-still though. I'm so shy and I can't do anything right. I'm so bad at volleyball and I-" he said before Suga our a finger over his lips.

"Yamaguchi I think it's safe to say you know Tsukishima the best out of all of. Y'all are childhood friends. Do you really think he would be friends with someone he doesn't want to be friends with?" Suga said looking at Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi slowly shook his head. "Okay yea...he's friends with me. But he can't love me right? I'm just his best friend..." Yamaguchi said voice fading.

Sugawara shook his head. "Yamaguchi. Just because it may seem like y'all are only best friends, doesn't mean he doesn't love you. I mean you said it yourself, how you tried to hide the fact you loved him because you didn't wanna ruin your relationship with him. He could feel the same." Sugawara pointed out.

In that moment Yamaguchi had no idea what to say. He was shocked. Tsuki wouldn't do that though. Unless he really was just as scared as Yamaguchi. "Y-you think so..?"

Sugawara nodded before speaking once again. "Think about it. I mean you are like his only friend. His first friend to I think. Imagine how he felt if he found out he loves you? I would be scared. Just like you. Yamaguchi, just go for it!" Sugawara said patting his back.

Yamaguchi was very nervous and not exactly sure if he should yet. But..Suga could be right. He really didn't know. Tsuki could actually care so much about him that he put on a act. An act as if he didn't care. Even if he did. Cause being with Yamaguchi is what makes him happy. And the thought of losing him so much. Is what makes him put on that act in the first place. Yamaguchi swallowed nervously as he stood up.

Suga stood you with him giving him a reassuring smile. Yamaguchi hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much Suga!!" Yamaguchi said about to cry.

Sugawara hugged him back before pulling away. "Don't cry, text me how it goes!" He said winking at Yamaguchi. He blushed in embarrassment before nodding his head and leaving. Once he stepped out of the house he sprinted back to his house as fast as possible.

When he finally reached his house his heart started beating. Not only would he have to deal with his mom, he also had Tsuki. He slowly walked in trying to hide his nerves with a smile. When he did his mother ran over to him quickly Tsukishima coming as well watching from the door.

"Tadashi baby!! How could you make Tsukishima come here by himself!" His mom said Yamaguchi thinking of what to say.

"I already said it's fine, he just wanted to be by the flowers for a little bit longer." Tsuki said trying to help out Yamaguchi.

He nodded before speaking. "Y-Yea! I just lost track of t-time! Sorry!!" He stuttered his mom still a bit disappointed.

"Next time watch the time closer alright? I'm still making dinner so you and Tsukishima can go to your room." She said returning to the kitchen as Yamaguchi slowly walked over to Tsuki, then proceeded to lead him to his room.

All of Tsuki's stuff was already placed like always. Yamaguchi heart started pounding as he thought of all the possibilities. He slowly shook those thoughts away as Tsuki began speaking.

"Your welcome." He said blandly.

Yamaguchi nodded as he probably meant how he covered up the fact what actually happened and why he was actually late.

"In return, mind explaining what's been happening?" He asked looking at Yamaguchi with a deep stare.

Yamaguchi took a deep breath before speaking.

"Tsuki I need to tell you something..."

HA CLIFFHANGER (sorrydon'thatemebye!)

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