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So ummmmm almost at 2k reads. WOW HAHAHAHAHAH. I'm not new to getting this much but here's a bonus chapter because this book was so short and we need more TsukiYama.

Note: Day later after I started this and it's at 2k now lol. Thank you all so much!

Y'all are gonna cry if you don't your heartless. (That's a joke)

Probably spelling errors but I'm too lazy to fix it lol. Enjoy this bonus!!!

"Tsuki this is so fun!! You never ride the rides what's the difference? Not that I'm complaining haha!" Yamaguchi said happily holding his hands while they walked around the amusement park.

"Well it's a special day today, remember?" Tsukishima said giving Yamaguchi a soft smile.

"Yea I know, our anniversary. But even would never ride the rides. It just confuses me is all." Yamaguchi said before his eyes lit up.
"Soggy Fries!"

"You're still the same as you were in high school silly." Tsukishima said chuckling as they walked in line to order some soggy fries.

"Not true! I'm more confident aren't I? But I guess I still get a bit nervous meeting new people and what not. But I don't stutter as often anymore!" Yamaguchi said with a smile before Tsukishima quickly kissed him.

"Unless I do something like that." Tsukishima said with a smirk while Yamaguchi's cheeks just grew pinker.

"S-Shut up!" Yamaguchi said covering his face while the other simply laughed. They soon made it to the front and ordered some soggy fries.

Yamaguchi ate them happily while Tsukishima just admired how cute he was. Then Yamaguchi noticed and blushed a bit before he offered him some fries.

"Hey are you sure don't wanna try them? I know you never liked them before, but I heard somewhere your tastebuds change every 7 years or something like that." Yamaguchi said holding one out for the blonde to take.

"I've never liked them since I was 7. If they did change then I would've liked them by now, we're like 23." Tsukishima said taking the fry and staring at it.

"Come on just try it pleaseeeee!" Yamaguchi begged with puppy eyes.

Tsukishima's one weakness.

"Only for you. And you've been hanging out with Hinata too much." Tsukishima said before he tossed the fry into his mouth.

"No I'm not. You say that like he taught me that! Sugawara and Daichi did actually!" Yamaguchi said while Tsukishima just continued to chew on the fry.

"Mmmm..." Tsukishima hummed as he finished up the fry.
"Ehhh...still not that good." Tsukishima said making Yamaguchi frown before a smirk grew on his face.

"I could say the same for your Dino nuggets." Yamaguchi said smirking earning a reaction from the taller.

"Hey!! Unlike your fries the Dino nuggets have a great taste and flavor!" Tsukishima said while Yamaguchi just chuckled.

"Agree to disagree! Let's go ride more rides while you're in the mood!" Yamaguchi said excitedly as he finished his fries and grabbed Tsuki's hand.

"You're so cute." Tsukishima said giggling while Yamaguchi just dragged him along to whatever rides he wanted to ride.

Tsukishima smiled before looking into his pocket.
'I'm ready.' Tsukishima thought.

Yamaguchi yawned a bit laying his head on Tsukishima's shoulder.
"Why'd we wait all day to finally get on the Ferris wheel?" Yamaguchi asked while they waited in line patiently.

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